Attending the first District 10 conference are, first row l. to r., L-D454 ST David (Spud) Stevenson, L-D406 ST Share Hebert, L-D579 ST Mike Ettinger, L-D494 ST Stanley Young, District 10 BM-ST Tony Andrade, L-D406 VP John Black, L-D366 BM Jameson Amaral, L-D387 President Jason Bosley, L-D387 ST Mike Gyde and L-D324 President Scott Carson. Second row l. to r., L-D366 President Jason Boles, L-D494 President Jim Louwe, L-D454 President Brad Sutherland, L-D579 President Shawn Hines, L-D488 ST Mike Smith, L-D488 President Lincoln Trevail and L-D366 ST Dave Lenarduzzi. Not pictured, L-D324 ST Daniel Steeves.
CEMENT DIVISION DISTRICT 10, which formed in 2016 to represent 11 cement locals in eastern Canada, hosted its first conference in Moncton, New Brunswick, September 23-26. The conference, organized and led by District 10 BM-ST Tony Andrade, was an opportunity for local lodge leaders to understand the responsibilities of their positions and develop working relationships within District 10.
Andrade and IR Kent Oliver kicked off two days of presentations and interactive participation, including time to answer lodge leader questions.