L-45's Hedrick's family expresses appreciation
WE WOULD LIKE to say "thank you" to all the Boilermakers who expressed their love for Harold "Muggs" Hedrick [Local 45, Richmond, Va.]. There are no words that can fully express our sincere appreciation for the acts of kindness shown during this difficult time. Thanks to each and every one of you for the flowers, food, cards, memorials, donations, visits, and prayers. Some donations were from jobs that have already ended, so we are taking this opportunity to say a special thanks to all of you for your love and support. Every act of kindness was greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. Your thoughtfulness will always have a special place in our hearts.
Widow of L-5 member touched by Ron Roberts' tribute
IN THE OCT-DEC 2006 issue of the Reporter, there was a story about retiree Ron Roberts. He is a very special man who has created an awesome tribute to Boilermakers. The image in the paper [of his poem and accompanying photo] does not do it justice.
To honor my husband [Bill "Willie" Gibbons, a Local 5 (New York) member who passed away seven years ago], I contacted the artist and purchased a copy. When it arrived I was overwhelmed with tears. Every Boilermaker should have one — at the very least, every local office should have one on display. If you are a Boilermaker, have one in your life, or lost one from your life, I urge you to contact Ron Roberts (robbers2000@yahoo.com) and buy a copy. Be proud to own it, because it honors special men.
L-85 family offers heartfelt thanks for kindness after loss
MY COUSIN, HOWARD CORNETT, a Boilermaker for 37 years [L-85, Toledo, Ohio], passed away suddenly on Oct. 3, 2006, after working the second shift at the Monroe Powerhouse Coal Burner SCR tie-in outage. Howard’s family of Boilermakers includes a son, brother, uncle, nephew, and three cousins.
Local 85 members and travelers on that job stepped up and showed our family the amazing generosity of our trade. We remain in awe of the kindness and expression of sympathy given to us during this difficult time. Our faith in the Boilermaker family has been strengthened and restored. I send a heartfelt thanks to all of those who supported us.
Wife of retired L-74 member says, “Thank God for the union”
THANK GOD FOR the union. My husband [Eugene Echols, a retired member of L-74 (Houston)], is 77 and the union took care of us and our children. I pray for the union always.
Gahran expresses gratitude
MY WIFE SANDY passed away suddenly last November. The brothers and sisters employed by Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc. at Xcel Energy Inc. in Bayport, Minn., gave me a very sincere sympathy card and collection. I would like to publicly thank them and let them know how much that meant to me. I would especially like to thank the members of Local 647 who had the incentive to do this for me.
“Grace Under Pressure” is a nonstop read
I just finished reading “Grace Under Pressure.” From the time I picked it up, I couldn’t stop reading until I was finished. What a great history of not only the Boilermakers, but also the labor movement. This is information that every Boilermaker needs to know. Thank you to those who took the time to put this together for us and for future generations of Boilermakers.