Instructor cadre complete train-the-trainer course
NEARLY TWO DOZEN retired Boilermaker leaders and MOST representatives attended a Boilermaker Code train-the-trainer course August 18-20 in Kansas City, Mo. The group will form a cadre that will teach construction members a one-day course aimed at elevating craft performance and securing work, among other objectives.
The Boilermaker Code is a new MOST program that has been under development for several years. All construction Boilermakers will be required to complete the program, with training taking place at local lodges. Four sessions were scheduled for September, at Local 69 (Little Rock, Ark.), Local 667 (Winfield, W.Va.), Local 92 (Los Angeles) and Local 744 (Cleveland).
Construction Division Director Dale “Skipper” Branscum developed the train-the-trainer course and provided the instruction.
“Those attending this course were very enthusiastic about the Boilermaker Code program,” said Branscum. “They understand the significance of what MOST and the International are trying to achieve by setting a high standard of excellence for our craft. Our trainers are excited about bringing this course to our construction members.”
Taking part in the training were Roman Alaniz (MOST Area Mobil. & Tng. Rep); Jim Banford, retired L-13 (Philadelphia) BM-ST; Jay Brophy (MOST Area Mobil. & Tng. Rep); Joe Brown, retired Local 7 (Buffalo, N.Y.) BM-ST; Ron Bush, retired Local 667 BM-ST; Chuck Clancy, retired Local 83 (Kansas City, Mo.) BM-ST; Bridget Connors, MOST Safety Rep; Mike DiCicco, retired Local 13 BM-ST; Ernie Dorsey, retired Local 193 (Baltimore) BM-ST; Pat Gallagher, retired Local 744 BM-ST; Mark Garrett, Dir. Health & Safety Services and MOST Rep; Ed Hebert, retired Local 60 (Peoria, Ill.) BM-ST; Bob Heine, retired IR; Tom Klein, retired Local 5-Zone 5 (New York) BM-ST; Ray Parrot, retired L-40 (Elizabethtown, Ky.) BM-ST; Jim Porter, retired Local 40 BM-ST; John Roeber, retired L-11 (Helena, Mont.) BM-ST; John Skermont, retired Local 1 (Chicago) BM-ST; Tony Smarra (MOST Area Mobil. & Tng. Rep); and Steve Speed, retired IR/SAIP.
Documenting the course were Ed Lydecker and Mike Palm from Wide Awake Films.