If you are an active member or a retired member with a Retired Members Card (RMC), you should be receiving the Boilermakers official newspaper, The Boilermaker Reporter, four times a year. If you are not, it is usually because we do not have your correct address. Send your name, mailing address, and register number to us in one of the following four ways:
- By Website: Fill out this form
- By E-mail: The Boilermaker Reporter
- By Mail: The Boilermaker Reporter, 12200 N Ambassador Dr, Suite 303, Kansas City, MO 64163
- By Fax: (913) 281-8104
If you are a retired member without an RMC, you can contact your local lodge to get your card. All others can receive the Reporter for only $10.00 for a three-year subscription. Send us your name, mailing address, register number, and a check for $10.00 made out to the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers to the address listed above.
NOTE: We do not send out renewal notices, so you will need to remember to send us another check each subsequent year in order to keep your subscription current. The expiration date of your subscription will appear on your paper's address label.
To qualify for an RMC, you must be a retired Boilermaker in good standing with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. Section 32.5 of the International Constitution defines eligibility requirements for the RMC along with rights and privileges of retired members. If you have a question regarding your eligibility for an RMC, contact the Membership Department.