THE BOILERMAKERS INTERNATIONAL Executive Council scholarship committee has announced the winners of its 2019 scholarship program. The committee awarded $50,000 to 22 recipients, with $38,000 going to U.S. applicants and $12,000 going to Canadian applicants. The one-year grants included 10 $3,800 awards and 12 $1,000 awards.
The committee selected scholarship recipients from a pool of 78 Boilermaker dependents. The applicants were judged on their academic achievements, leadership skills, participation in extracurricular activities and a written essay.
Ten receive $3,800 scholarship
The IEC Scholarship Committee has awarded scholarships to the following United States applicants:

Devyn Barton, daughter of Local 363 (East St. Louis, Illinois) member Grant Barton, is a graduate of Coulterville CUSD No. 1. She’s attending Southeast Missouri State University studying emergency preparedness.

Peter Jonathan Bukiri, son of Local 1 (Chicago) member Peter Bukiri, is a graduate of Carl Sandburg High School. He’s attending the Colorado School of Mines, studying engineering physics.

Maycie Layne Edmondson, daughter of Local 108 (Birmingham, Alabama) member Todd Edmondson, is a graduate of Slocomb High School. She’s attending the University of South Alabama, studying biology with the goal of becoming a dermatologist.

Christopher Lee Goff, son of Local 28 (Newark, New Jersey) member Christopher Goff, is a graduate of Ohio County High School and is studying computer science at the University of Kentucky.

Devin James Henry, son of Local 1393 (Altoona, Pennsylvania) member Dale Henry, is a graduate of Altoona Area High School and is attending the University of Pittsburgh, studying to become a pharmacist.

Kim Holmes, daughter of Local 5 (New York) member Vinnis Holmes, is a graduate of Columbia Secondary School and is studying computer science at Fordham University.

Joseph Hutsell, son of Local 169 (Detroit) member Robert Hutsell, is a graduate of Edsel Ford High School. He is attending the University of Michigan at Dearborn, studying computer science.

Katherine Joyanna Koontz, daughter of Local 900 (Barberton, Ohio) member Brian Koontz, is a graduate of Northwestern High School and is studying pre-med at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Bailey Elizabeth Meyer, daughter of Local 363 (East St. Louis, Illinois) member Eric Meyer, is a graduate of Freeburg High School. She’s studying biology at the University of Kentucky with plans to become a pediatrician.

Emily Marie Peles, daughter of Local 154 (Pittsburgh) member Robert Peles, is a graduate of Purchase Line JR/SR High School. She’s studying immunology and microbiology at West Virginia University.
Twelve receive $1,000 scholarship
The IEC Scholarship Committee has awarded scholarships to the following Canadian applicants:

Oalani Lela Ayanna Brown, daughter of Local 146 (Edmonton, Alberta) member Pete Brown, is a graduate of Salisbury Composite High School and is studying natural science at the University of Alberta.

Alyssa Ashten Ewasiw, daughter of Local 146 (Edmonton, Alberta) member Wayne Ewasiw, is a graduate of St. Andre Bessette Catholic High School and is attending MacEwan University, working toward becoming a marine biologist.

Alyssa Dawn Gillis, daughter of Local 146 member (Edmonton, Alberta) Bain Gillis, is a graduate of Holy Cross Collegiate and is taking pre-med classes at Queen’s University, with the goal of becoming a cardiac surgeon.

Kady Graham, daughter of Local 146 (Edmonton, Alberta) member Danny Graham, is a graduate of the Boyle School. She is attending MacEwan University, studying child and youth healthcare with plans to work with at-risk youth.

Cassandra Jayne Hartwich, daughter of Local 359 (Vancouver, British Columbia) member James Hartwich, is a graduate of Nanaimo District Secondary School and is attending Vancouver Island University studying biology.

Jerri-Lyn Lewis, daughter of Local 203 (St. John’s, Newfoundland) member Kevin Lewis, is a graduate of Roncalli Central High School. She is studying biology and chemistry at Memorial University with a goal of becoming first a nurse, and then a doctor.

Brooke Marie MacDonald, daughter of Local 580 (Halifax, Nova Scotia) member Robert MacDonald, is a graduate of Cole Harbour High School and is studying English and sociology at Saint Mary’s University.

Ashley Nicole McCarthy, daughter of Local 146 (Edmonton, Alberta) member Greg McCarthy, is a graduate of Barrhead Composite High School and is attending the University of Alberta to obtain a degree in elementary education.

Samantha Dawn Meisner, daughter of Local D575 (Moosehorn, Manitoba) member Owen Meisner, is a graduate of Ashern Central School and is studying science and chemistry education at Brandon University.

Kaylee Alexandrea Patuelli-McLellan, daughter of Local 146 (Edmonton, Alberta) member Angelo Patuelli, is a graduate of J. Percy Page High School and plans to study music education at the University of Alberta.

Ambar Phillion, daughter of Local 128 (Toronto) member Andre Phillion, is a graduate of St. Patrick’s High School and is studying French at Brescia University College.

Emma Faith Zoldy, daughter of Local 128 (Toronto) member Daren Zoldy, is a graduate of Cobourg Collegiate Institute and is studying kinesiology at Queen’s University.