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Local 92 opens new union hall

I’m excited that these (infrastructure) projects are right here in Carson, and I’m excited that the Boilermakers have chosen to make this their home.

Dr. Jawane Hilton, Carson Mayor Pro Tem

Special guests prepare to cut the ribbon, officially opening L-92’s Carson, California, union hall.

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Boilermakers, guests and dignitaries gathered for a grand opening event and ribbon-cutting ceremony April 10 to officially open the Western States’ newest Local 92 (Los Angeles) union hall in Carson, California. 

The new hall is well positioned in Carson to accommodate an influx of apprentices coming from the Los Angeles Basin area. Federal infrastructure funding has boosted heavy construction projects across the nation, enabling L-92 to grow significantly, said L-92 Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Luis Miramontes. He said L-92 currently has nearly 200 apprentices working to become journeymen. 

“The membership of L-92 is growing. It went from one of the smallest in the nation to the largest construction local in the United States,” said J. Tom Baca, International Vice President-Western States. “This building says who we are, and it’s an example to all the Boilermakers across the country for where we need to go and the work we need to go after and how we need to grow.”

The new 16,000 square-foot facility includes classrooms, office space, ample outdoor space, conference rooms and a large meeting space outfitted with audio-visual technology and well equipped to host lodge membership meetings, among other events. Classes offered at L-92’s Carson hall will include RSO 20 refinery training, OSHA 30 training and other courses vital to meet California’s demand for a skilled and trained workforce.

A new training center that will house welding booths and rigging structures is under construction just two miles from the new hall, making the location especially convenient.

“There are so many people who are going to be trained in this facility and offered an opportunity to join the working class—people who otherwise would not have that opportunity, but for L-92’s investment into this facility,” said International President Warren Fairley. “The commitment this local has made to this area is just incredible. They’ve come to the heart of the refinery area and invested to make things better for the people who live here.”

According to Dr. Jawane Hilton, Carson’s Mayor Pro Tem, the City of Carson is on the cusp of $8 billion worth of infrastructure projects. He pointed to the significance of the L-92’s $9 million investment into the new union hall before presenting a certificate of welcome on behalf of the city.

“This investment is going to not only jump-start our community, but it will jump-start our working-class families, jump-start opportunities for working-class families,” Hilton said. “I’m excited that these (infrastructure) projects are right here in Carson, and I’m excited that the Boilermakers have chosen to make this their home.”

Chris Hannan, President of California’s State Building Construction Trades Council said Carson was one of the first cities that achieved a citywide project labor agreement. He also cited the recent passage of SB 740 as a catalyst for increasing Boilermaker work in California. 

“We’re on the doorstep of a tremendous amount of industrial union work here in the City of Carson,” he told guests at the grand opening. “This is a special day that signifies the pride that we all take in our work. It’s a special day in signifying the growth of this building trades union. The pride that you’re radiating to this community definitely shows.”

In addition to the new Carson union hall and the training center under construction, L-92 has a union hall in Bloomington, California, a shipyard office in San Diego and a training center in San Bernardino. The Oscar Davila Training Center in San Bernardino opened in September 2021. 

“I can’t tell you how proud I am of Brother Luis and the agents here and membership of this local,” Baca said. “You guys have led the way and you’re leading the way through this building and what you’ve done with it. And how you’re setting the pace for the state and for the nation is amazing.”