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National Hispanic Heritage Month Profiles: Mariel Cruz

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 13:54
National Hispanic Heritage Month Profiles: Mariel Cruz

Throughout National Hispanic Heritage Month, the AFL-CIO will be profiling labor leaders and activists to spotlight the diverse contributions Hispanics and Latinos have made to our movement. Today's profile features Mariel Cruz.

Mariel Cruz works in the Tele-Radial Communications Department of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo. She recently received an award at the USW District 4 Conference for her dedication to the labor movement as president of USW Local 6871. She is proud to be Puerto Rican and proud to be union!

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/20/2021 - 14:54

Congress Must Support Paid Leave for All

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 11:48
Congress Must Support Paid Leave for All

If we're going to Build Back Better in the United States, paid leave has to be part of the solution. Not only does paid leave save jobs, it boosts our economy. Investing in paid leave is just an important part of our infrastructure as investments in roads and bridges.

Paid leave and care policies are vitally important. These policies boost both workers and businesses, particularly women of color. They keep working people in our jobs, and makes sure that workers have the medical and benefits that are as important now as ever in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In connection with other policies, paid leave would contribute to millions of new jobs, billions in new wages and trillions in gross domestic product.

Paid leave is a key to our long-term health, stability and prosperity by allowing workers to heal, recover and spend time with our families when it's necessary or important. It allows working people to take care of each other and ourselves.

These investments also are crucial for small businesses. Paid leave helps give small businesses the ability to compete with big corporations on a more level playing field. It's also a strong workplace retention policy, lowering costs needed to train and retain workers.

Evidence already shows that states with paid leave policies see benefits not only for workers, but businesses and the larger communities around them. Paid leave is cost-effective, both in terms of maintaining public health and for boosting the economic recovery. We can't afford not to pass it.

Take action now and tell Congress to support paid leave for all.

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/20/2021 - 12:48

America’s Unions Are Clear and Undaunted: Pathway to Citizenship Is Essential for a Just Recovery

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 10:07
America’s Unions Are Clear and Undaunted: Pathway to Citizenship Is Essential for a Just Recovery

The AFL-CIO and our affiliate union leaders from all sectors of the economy are making it clear: Congress has a historic opportunity to create good jobs and a clear pathway to citizenship for millions of working families, and we expect it to deliver. Immigrants have been, and will continue to be, key to the economic growth and recovery of this country. After nearly 35 years of enforcement-only immigration policies, Congress must finally act to expand rights and protections through broad citizenship provisions. The best way to strengthen our democracy and our economy is by empowering workers, with no exclusions, and the time to do that is now.

Leaders across the movement for the rights of working people explained why the approach that expands rights is the best pathway forward. Here's what they said:

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler: “America’s unions are fiercely committed to transforming the lives of working people through bold, structural changes that remove all barriers to the right to organize, and we can’t do that without reforming our immigration system. A broad, inclusive pathway to citizenship will help to raise standards for all workers and should be considered a core component of our economic recovery.”

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond: “The pandemic has revealed the systemic undervaluing of work that is essential for our survival. The majority of front-line work in our country is performed by women and people of color, many of whom face structural racism and threats from an inhumane immigration system. Now is the time to address these core failures. Enacting a clear path to citizenship and passing the PRO Act is how we end these structural injustices.” 

AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Tefere Gebre: “Successive waves of immigrants and refugees, like myself, have always helped to build, serve and feed our nation. Today is no different. America’s unions are calling on Congress to take decisive action to extend permanent protections for all working families. Our nation’s economic growth must be inclusive to all, so unions will continue to fight until we win rights on the job and in the community for everyone who lives and works here.” 

Eric Dean, Ironworkers general president and AFL-CIO Immigration Committee chair: “Workers in the construction industry are affected by our broken immigration system whether they are native born or not, and ironworkers are no exception. Legislation providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and TPS holders will level the playing field and help every worker band together and choose a union.” 

Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union-UFCW: “Our country was founded by immigrants, flourished economically because of the labor of immigrants, and over the last 18 months, we have been fed and cared for by immigrants who are a vital part of our frontline workforce—many of them RWDSU members. After decades of promise, we finally have a real opportunity through the budget reconciliation process to create a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who have made our country stronger. Let’s be broad, inclusive and pass legislation that brings all undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, grants them equal rights under the law and allows them to openly and freely contribute to our economic recovery as they strive to achieve their own American Dream.”

Matt Biggs, president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers: “Among the young immigrants, students, neighbors, family and coworkers who are seeking an opportunity to become citizens are current and future IFPTE members and leaders. Our union strongly supports a Build Back Better Act that includes pathways to citizenship and permanent residence for DACA and TPS recipients, for workers stuck in the green card backlog, and for those who have been on the frontlines of the pandemic.” 

Evelyn DeJesus, executive vice president of the American Federation of Teachers: “This must be the year we deliver on a roadmap to Citizenship for our DACAmented members, our families, our communities, and the students and patients we serve. For far too long, immigrant workers, TPS and DACA beneficiaries have been living court decision by court decision. The ruling by Judge Hanen against DACA made it absolutely clear that only a permanent legislative solution passed by Congress will eliminate the fear and uncertainty that DACA recipients, TPS holders and other immigrants have lived with for years. Enough is enough. Our students, our directly impacted members, our immigrant families, and communities deserve nothing less than the freedom to thrive.”

Jennifer Dorning, president of the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO: “Union professionals have a range of backgrounds, nationalities, and immigration experiences—including DACA recipients, TPS beneficiaries, and undocumented immigrants. These working people are our colleagues, our neighbors, and our friends, and they are Americans in every way except on paper. The budget reconciliation process provides us with an opportunity to deliver stability and certainty to these people who contribute everyday to our country’s progress. Now is the time to provide them with a pathway to citizenship.”

Cindy Estrada, vice president of the UAW: “It is no secret that our nation’s immigration system is broken and does not reflect our basic national or UAW values of family unity and security. It is long past time for Congress to take action to ensure TPS holders, Dreamers, farmworkers and frontline workers should not be subject to punitive immigration policies that break families apart. It is important to remember that our union's mission to support social and economic justice for all workers was directly influenced by thousands of immigrants who arrived in Detroit and other cities after the turn of the 20th century to work in the auto industry. These brave workers participated in the sit down strikes and other worker actions that have distinguished our union as a fearless fighter for workplace democracy.”

Enrique Fernández, vice president of Immigration, Diversity and Civil Rights, UNITE HERE: “The House Judiciary Committee has made a critical step forward to protect millions of workers whose home is here. During the pandemic we’ve seen how essential hospitality workers have been to build back the economy. They deserve permanent status to stay with their families. Our fight will continue until we are able to put an end to the fear of deportation and finally provide a path to citizenship.”

Elissa McBride, secretary-treasurer of AFSCME: “The failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform has left undocumented immigrants vulnerable and unable to speak out about dangerous working conditions, demand a fair wage or access medical care for fear of deportation. Congress must finally provide a pathway to citizenship that recognizes the boundless contributions immigrants have made to our communities and allows families to come out of the shadows. It will strengthen our economy, it’s widely supported, and most importantly, it’s the right thing to do.”

Yanira Merino, national president of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement: “Including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants through budget reconciliation is a critical step towards building back better, which depends on a thriving working class. And we won't achieve this goal until every worker, including DREAMers and TPS holders, can exercise all their labor rights and enjoy the stability associated with residency and citizenship. That is why we must ensure that a pathway to citizenship survives the reconciliation process and is voted into law."

Terry O'Sullivan, general president of the Laborers: “LIUNA urges Congress to stop delaying on comprehensive immigration reform and to provide a path to citizenship for the millions of working families, many of whom work in the construction industry, who have built lives here in the United States, raising families and paying taxes and social security.”

Baldemar Velasquez, president of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee: “1986 was the distant past—and the last time Congress allowed a pathway to citizenship for many undocumented people. We must push Congress to end 36 years of inaction and finally bring millions of hard working immigrants, including farmworkers, out of the shadows and into the mainstream of the American Dream.”

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers: “We are a nation of immigrants. Today, immigrants living in the United States are educators and bus drivers, nurses and respiratory therapists, grocery and farm workers—frontline, essential workers who have shown up for us every day, particularly in the last year and a half, risking their own health, as we grapple with COVID-19 and its effects. As a union, we are committed to fighting for a pathway to citizenship for immigrants because we know that immigration reforms provide economic stability and a pathway to a better life for so many working families. Congress must take action to permanently protect undocumented people—not just DACA recipients, but all 11 million undocumented people living in this country.”

James Williams Jr., general president of the Painters and Allied Trades: “Thousands of our members are living and working in the United States under Temporary Protected Status. Tens of thousands more immigrants are working in our industries as non-union workers and they are among the most heavily exploited workers in the construction trades. The only way we can stop the exploitation of these workers is by giving them a realistic path to citizenship. Even those fortunate enough to have TPS live with constant anxiety that the programs will be terminated. Now is the moment to establish pathways to citizenship for all of these workers. We are calling on Congress to get it done.”

Alvina Yeh, executive director of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance: "Because of this nation's failure to reform immigration, many AAPI workers face threats of deportation. Undocumented AAPIs have been separated from their families and loved ones for decades because of unjust immigration laws. We need a pathway to citizenship through reconciliation because this might be our only chance. AAPI workers have waited for too long, and Congress must act now."

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/20/2021 - 11:07

‘State of the Unions’ Podcast: On the Front Lines: A Conversation with NNU Executive Director Bonnie Castillo, RN

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 09:20
‘State of the Unions’ Podcast: On the Front Lines: A Conversation with NNU Executive Director Bonnie Castillo, RN

On this week's episode of "State of the Unions," co-hosts Tim Schlittner and Carolyn Bobb sit down with National Nurses United (NNU) Executive Director Bonnie Castillo, RN, to discuss how nurses went above and beyond to speak out and advocate for patient care and workplace safety while on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

State of the Unions” is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and anywhere else you can find podcasts.

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/20/2021 - 10:20

Tags: Podcast

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Aerospace Job Protection Program Saves Thousands of Union Jobs

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 09:11
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Aerospace Job Protection Program Saves Thousands of Union Jobs

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Thousands of union jobs have been saved or protected, thanks to a federal aerospace job protection program championed by the Machinists (IAM). The Transportation Department recently released the first round of funding to more than 300 companies as part of a new federal program aimed at saving aerospace manufacturing and repairing jobs amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The IAM aggressively advocated for and won successful passage of the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection (AMJP) program, which is part of the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan. The program provides $3 billion in payroll support funding to aviation manufacturing employers, allowing them to keep aerospace manufacturing workers on their payrolls, avoid additional furloughs and re-hire workers previously furloughed during the pandemic.

“This program will help ensure our nation’s aerospace industry will keep moving forward with the critically important workforce it needs,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I want to thank the hard-working staff in the IAM Political and Legislative Department who won bipartisan support to ensure these highly-trained and skilled jobs remain intact as our nation’s aviation industry goes through one of the hardest moments in history.”

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/20/2021 - 10:11

Hungry for Unions: The Working People Weekly List

Mon, 09/13/2021 - 10:37
Hungry for Unions: The Working People Weekly List

Every week, we bring you a roundup of the top news and commentary about issues and events important to working families. Here’s the latest edition of the Working People Weekly List.

America is Hungry for Unions: "America's workers are recognizing something fundamental: there is promise and power in coming together. Gallup just reported that two in three Americans approve of labor unions, the highest mark since 1965. Among adults under 34 and people of color, that approval is even higher: three in four support unions. This report should come as no surprise—unions have always been the most effective way for workers to speak in a collective voice. America is hungry for unions, and this Labor Day, the Senate must heed our call and pass policies that protect our rights on the job."

How Female Construction Workers Fight Workplace Discrimination: "The three women shared their stories over Zoom during a Lean In Circle for Tradeswomen, one of 76 launched nationwide and in Canada this year by the North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) and Lean In, the women’s advocacy group started by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg. About 700 tradeswomen are participating the program, designed to help them navigate persistent bias and harassment on construction sites, from unwanted sexual advances to being assigned lesser duties like traffic control or fire watch."

Building Trades Leader: Any Politician Who Doesn’t Back the PRO Act Shouldn’t Get Labor’s Support: "On September 1, Jimmy Williams Jr. officially became the president of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT). At 43, he is the youngest president in not only IUPAT’s history, but also within the building trades unions and any major affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Williams has big plans for his tenure: to diversify his union, grow and strengthen the labor movement and, of course, pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act—the most sweeping labor legislation since the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)."

AFL-CIO President Tells Striking Mondelez Workers in Henrico That It Is 'Fed Up with the Way You Have Been Treated': "American union workers are fed up with skyrocketing inequality and runaway corporate greed, and they are standing up for their rights, the new president of the AFL-CIO federation said. Liz Shuler told about two dozen striking workers at Mondelez International Inc.’s bakery plant in eastern Henrico County on Wednesday afternoon that their sacrifice is important for all workers. 'The entire labor movement is the symbolism here that they’re standing up for,' said Shuler, who became the first woman to lead the AFL-CIO when she took over last month following the death of longtime president Richard Trumka."

Passage of the PRO Act is Best for Workers: "As a member of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) who has worked under collective bargaining agreements for more than four decades, I know first-hand the importance of labor unions that helped build our nation’s middle class. I started at the General Electric Aircraft Engine Plant in Albuquerque, and I know workplace safety, fair wages, and a collective voice in the workplace are just a few of the reasons workers join a labor union. Such workers’ rights are so important nowadays as we know we need to expand our American middle class. While unions have had successes, there’s more work to be done for those wanting to join. Participating in union organizing campaigns all across the country, including in the West, I’ve seen the horrible lengths companies will go to in order to keep total control of their workforce. It is unacceptable and American workers deserve better. The way to empower American workers is by passing the PRO Act. It would hold employers accountable and institute civil penalties for violations of the law, including back pay and damages."

Businesses Want Congress to Support Safe, Quality Jobs—So Do Nearly All Americans: "There’s nothing new about lawmakers in Washington using the business community as a shield for taking unpopular positions. As business leaders, we’ve gotten used to politicians putting words in our mouths on everything from tax policy to health care and beyond. Now, some members of Congress are once again pointing to businesses to justify their opposition to the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act—legislation which would promote safe, quality, well-paying jobs for workers across the economy. When asked about the PRO Act earlier this year, Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz.) explained: 'The way I make decisions on behalf of Arizona and for our constituents is by listening to the business leaders.'"

Restaged in Front of the AFL-CIO’s National Headquarters, ‘Working’ the Musical Labors To Be a Vehicle for Activism: "'Working' is a just-kind-of-okay musical that has found its just-kind-of-ideal stage: on Black Lives Matter Plaza—in front of the national headquarters of the AFL-CIO. Holding its opening-night performance on Labor Day made for a sweet bit of resonance, too. Performed by nine polished actors in the late-summer Washington air, the 1977 show, based on Studs Terkel’s 1974 book of verbatim interviews with working people of all classes and colors, is a cabaret of everyday exertion. No opera house phantom or hip-hop Founding Father populates this piece; the characters are all ordinary folks—nannies, firefighters, receptionists, truckers—singing about their daily routines and sacrifices."

Labor Day 2021: AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler Joins The Joe Madison Show: "Liz Shuler, the first woman president of AFL-CIO, joins Joe Madison to discuss the state of labor in 2021 and how workers are persevering through the COVID-19 crisis in the United States."

President Shuler Joins NY Union Strong Podcast: "On Labor Day as we celebrate working people and all they do; we also take note that at no other time in recent memory has it been so vitally important to be able to have a voice in the workplace. Newly elected AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler joins us on the Union Strong podcast to talk about Labor’s priorities and what’s behind the growing support of labor unions."

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/13/2021 - 11:37

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: NABTU Launches Lean In Circles for Tradeswomen

Mon, 09/13/2021 - 08:50
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: NABTU Launches Lean In Circles for Tradeswomen

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, led by President Greg Regan, have launched a series of Lean In Circles for Tradeswomen events. More than 75 events already have taken place or are scheduled for later this year in the United States and Canada. More than 700 women are participating in the program. The circles give tradeswomen the chance to voice their concerns about persistent bias and harassment in the industry and helps them navigate the associated challenges, such as being assigned lesser duties to unwanted sexual advances. Lean In Circles for Tradeswomen is a joint program from the North America's Building Trades Unions, LeanIn.Org, the AFL-CIO and Build Together, a workforce development program from Canada’s Building Trades Unions.

Kenneth Quinnell Mon, 09/13/2021 - 09:50

Hungry for Unions: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Thu, 09/09/2021 - 12:07
Hungry for Unions: What Working People Are Doing This Week

Actors' Equity:

On Wednesday, June 2, Equity’s Equal Employment Opportunity Committee held its biannual dialogue on disability. Visit our Diversity & Inclusion Blog today to read up on this discussion and to find a link to the full presentation -

— Actors' Equity (@ActorsEquity) September 9, 2021


Since the inception of the agency, TSA Officers have had to consistently push for union recognition and fairness on the job. This week we reflect on how far we’ve come and the work still left to do. #20YearFightForTSARights

— AFGE (@AFGENational) September 9, 2021


L’Shanah Tovah from all of us at AFSCME. We wish everyone celebrating a sweet and happy new year. Happy #RoshHashanah!

— AFSCME ✊ Pass the #PROAct (@AFSCME) September 8, 2021

Alliance for Retired Americans:

ICYMI: Nearly 1 in 2 older Americans fear not having enough saved for retirement.

We have the tools to improve retirement security and alleviate this anxiety: Social Security expansion and requiring Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.

— Alliance for Retired Americans (@ActiveRetirees) September 8, 2021

Amalgamated Transit Union:

Local 757-Portland, OR pushes for better wages and job stability to recruit bus drivers to deal with the shortage of transit workers.

— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) September 8, 2021

American Federation of Teachers:

Families need us to build back child care better than it has ever been.We need to help families find child care providers that have openings. And we definitely need to invest in the biggest indicator of quality – the workers! Thank you Ways & Means.

— AFT (@AFTunion) September 9, 2021

American Postal Workers Union:

The APWU National Negotiation Team is currently locked down with Postal Management – For negotiation updates, call the Contract Hotline 866-412-8061! #APWUnited

— APWU National (@APWUnational) September 8, 2021

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:

Today we celebrate the 56th anniversary of the Delano Grape Strike—a nonviolent labor strike organized predominantly by Filipino American grape workers and Latino farm workers against low wages and poor working conditions in Delano which lasted nearly five years. #1u #1uAAPI

— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) September 8, 2021

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:

Our sixth annual AFA Honor Guard will attend services at our nation’s three national memorials to ensure the public remembers the sacrifice of Flight Attendants. This Honor Guard is comprised of Flight Attendants who have done work to advance our #NeverForget priorities. #1u

— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) September 9, 2021

Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:

Thank you for marching with us, @AFLCIO Pres. @lizshuler!

— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) September 8, 2021


We're especially proud of our work with carbon capture technology--work that saves our planet and our jobs!

— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) September 8, 2021


This Labor Day let’s celebrate the union difference! @AFLCIO

— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) September 6, 2021

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:

In a cruel twist, more than 8 million people who are out of work across the country will lose all of their unemployment benefits today -- Labor Day. So if you can kick back on this day off, please pray for the millions of families suddenly struggling to make ends. #LaborDay #work

— CBTU (@CBTU72) September 6, 2021

Coalition of Labor Union Women:

On average, Native women make 60 cents on the dollar. We need #NativeWomensEqualPay, AND we need #EquityForNativeWomen—an end to systemic violence, poverty & healthcare disparities, justice for #MMIW, and much more. Only with equity solutions can we begin to close the gap.

— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) September 8, 2021

Communications Workers of America:

"We have worked through the trenches of hell for the last two years, and the respect for us has gone down."
- Maureen Kryszak, registered nurse at South Buffalo Mercy

— CWA (@CWAUnion) September 9, 2021

Department for Professional Employees:

A supermajority of Americans view unions favorably and most professionals would join a union in their workplace. Americans want unions, which is why the #PROAct must become law! #1u

— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) September 8, 2021

Electrical Workers:

— IBEW (@IBEW) September 9, 2021

Fire Fighters:

The #IAFF is accepting applications for the 2022 Harvard Trade Union Program scheduled for January 18-February 18, 2022. The deadline for applications is September 15, 2021.

— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) September 9, 2021

Heat and Frost Insulators:

To all of our Nashville Brothers and Sisters, we wish Local 86 a Happy Anniversary!

— Insulators Union ? (@InsulatorsUnion) September 9, 2021

International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:

A #LaborDay Letter from IFPTE President Biggs and Sec-Treas. Hanson: "the workers that we have depended on our entire lives now have a new meaning... If there is one positive that has come from this pandemic it is the realization that All Work Has Dignity.” #1u #canlab

— IFPTE (@IFPTE) September 3, 2021

International Labor Communications Association:

In the back-to-work bustle, don't forget about Friday's contest deadline. Submit your entries by midnight ET Sept. 10.

— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) September 7, 2021


Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend! #laborday2021 #laborday

— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) September 3, 2021

Jobs With Justice:

Sweatshops aren't just some far away problem -- they are here in the United States. We need to recognize it so we can finally do something about it.

— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) September 8, 2021

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:

Congratulations?to @LCLAALV President Vince Saavedra on his appointment to the Keep Nevada Working Task Force.

The Task Force will perform critical work to strengthen workforce development pipelines for Nevada immigrants.

— Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (@LCLAA) September 8, 2021


The #BipartisanInfrastructureFramework will Deliver for Kansas. Let's #BuildBackBetter #InfrastructureNOW

— LIUNA (@LIUNA) September 9, 2021


Members of Puerto Rico’s IAM Local 2725 are gearing up for talks for a new contract covering Frito-Lay salesmen (vendedores) at PepsiCo Caribbean, Inc.

Workers want a pact that improves wages, as well as working conditions and the length of the workday.

— Machinists Union | Pass the #PROAct (@MachinistsUnion) September 9, 2021

Maritime Trades Department:

President Biden saluted Labor today in the White House. Exec Sec-Treas Daniel Duncan represented the MTD.

— MaritimeTrades (@Maritime_Trades) September 8, 2021

Metal Trades Department:

On March 15, 1962, President Kennedy signs the Manpower Development and Training act. This is the first federal act passed that provided training and retraining for employees in the advancing technological fields.#LaborHistory

— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) September 9, 2021

Mine Workers:

"On the shoulder of a lonely stretch of highway miles into the hills, a sign stands in the weeds. “Battle of Blair Mt.,” it says, informing the tumbledown cinder block building across the road that here, 100 years ago..."

— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) September 7, 2021

Musical Artists:

Established one year ago, the AGMA Black Caucus will host a “year-in-review” meeting on Weds. September 22 at 7:00 p.m. All Black AGMA Artists in good standing are encouraged to attend. Register here:

— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) September 8, 2021

National Air Traffic Controllers Association:

We have an amazing National Office staff of which our membership can be very proud. Today, we feature NATCA Labor Relations Representative Chris Gant. Thank you for all you do, Chris!

— NATCA (@NATCA) September 8, 2021

National Association of Letter Carriers:

Karen George of Wilmington, DE Branch 191 is retiring after 34 years of service and 30 years on the same route. Karen will be missed by her customers, and the feeling is mutual. “They’re like family to me. I’ve been able to see the kids grow up,” she said.

— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) September 9, 2021

National Day Laborer Organizing Network:

Grateful for @nithyavraman and @kdeleon support as California moves forward to end the prison to deportation pipeline. #VISIONAct #stopICEtransfers

— NDLON (@NDLON) September 7, 2021

National Domestic Workers Alliance:

By lifting up the voices of care workers and centering care in our economy, we can put an end to the crisis that is preventing women from working in dignity and caring for their families. #CareIsEssential

— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) September 8, 2021

National Federation of Federal Employees:

Labor Day Message from NFFE President Randy Erwin -

— NFFE (@NFFE_Union) September 6, 2021

National Nurses United:

“I believe in my bones the labor movement is the single greatest organized force for progress."

Nurses couldn't agree more with @LizShuler, the first woman elected as President of the @AFLCIO.

— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) September 8, 2021

National Taxi Workers Alliance:

As people, the memories that stay are of that morning, the ghost town & the deafening silence. There was so much sorrow. It's hard to talk about the aftermath & impact especially when we traveled with the grieving. But the grief was politicized & we're still reeling from it.

— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) September 8, 2021

NFL Players Association:

They suit up on Sunday, but their role as an #AthleteAnd is already being carved out off the field.

— NFLPA (@NFLPA) September 7, 2021

North America's Building Trades Unions:

Are you a veteran that came through Helmets to Hardhats? Submit your favorite photos from your time on the job and in the military for a chance to win free tools!

— The Building Trades (@NABTU) September 8, 2021

Office and Professional Employees:

Some wonderful reflections on #LaborDay, #Blair100, and the movement-at-large from @GrimKim. #1u

— OPEIU ║ #PassThePROAct ✊ (@OPEIU) September 7, 2021

Painters and Allied Trades:

Our union builds transformational infrastructure that shapes how we live like hospitals, schools, bridges and water systems.

We've uplifted millions of families throughout our proud 134-year history and are determined to give the same opportunity to as many people as possible.

— IUPAT | Pass the PRO Act! (@GoIUPAT) September 6, 2021

Plasterers and Cement Masons:

“Drivers should remember that construction workers are just trying to get their jobs done like everyone else — so they should slow down, be aware and follow any posted signs.” Safety first!

— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) September 7, 2021

Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:

PASS members elected new natl president & e-board. Dave Spero will become president when Mike Perrone retires Oct 1. "All of the new board members are dedicated to protecting workplace rights while the employees we represent protect the flying public.” #1u

— PASS (@PASSNational) September 2, 2021

Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:

NYC is getting ready to go #BacktoSchool next week! Shop these #unionmade brands at union grocery stores so you can send your kids off on the first day with a healthy and tasty lunch. @Local338

— RWDSU (@RWDSU) September 9, 2021

Roofers and Waterproofers:

Planning to prevent falls includes having a rescue plan in place in the event a worker falls: Check out CPWR's fall protection & rescue plan template to get started: #roofersafety365

— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) September 9, 2021


Today is #NativeWomensEqualPayDay. Data shows that Native American women earn $0.60 to every dollar earned by their white male counterparts. That is unacceptable. Equal pay for equal work.

Close the gap!

— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) September 9, 2021

Solidarity Center:

Big s/o to @radiolabour which is showcasing a brave #Myanmar union leader in hiding from the military dictatorship. Phyo Sandar Soe first talked w/ @Shawna_SolCntr on The Solidarity Center Podcast! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @ituc @laborradionet

— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) September 9, 2021

The NewsGuild-CWA:

"I had a good salary, but I’ve lost ground fast. Colleagues who had bad wages have really struggled. @TimesUnionGuild wants @Gannett to pay wages that people can build a career on, with increases as they gain experience."
Sustainable careers for journalists = good journalism.

— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) September 9, 2021

Theatrical Stage Employees:

Thanks for highlighting the work of our behind-the-scenes kin @mrbobodenkirk!

— IATSE // #PROAct (@IATSE) September 8, 2021

Transport Workers Union:

The economic & physical toll of #COVID19 has made it clear that collectively building trade unions is the best choice for workers and their families. @TwuSamuelsen @aflcio

— TWU (@transportworker) September 7, 2021

Transportation Trades Department:

As we approach the 20th remembrance of the September 11 attacks, we’re devoting our social media channels to honoring the frontline transportation workers who served that day. Follow our channels today through Sunday to learn about how working people saved lives.

— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) September 9, 2021


12 students from @Uaw2b families were awarded a college scholarship by the Richard T. Gosser Scholarship Awards Program, in honor of the late UAW Vice President and Regional Director, Richard T. Gosser. Congratulations to these outstanding seniors!

— UAW (@UAW) September 8, 2021

Union Label and Service Trades Department:

President Biden Delivers Remarks in Honor of Labor Unions via @FacebookWatch

— Union Label Dept. (@ULSTD_AFLCIO) September 8, 2021

Union Veterans Council:

Union vet and @MachinistsUnion President @IAMBobMartinez is not hold back and neither are we!

Union vets are here to fight back against these anti-democratic, anti-American voter suppression laws!

— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) September 9, 2021


We are bringing our expertise, experience, and passion to Virginia’s 2021 statewide races to secure our economic and political comeback through a program of workers talking directly to other workers on the doors—which we know firsthand is the key to victory.

— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) September 9, 2021

United Food and Commercial Workers:

Although Bayard Rustin was a tireless activist, the driving force behind the #MarchOnWashington, his life achievements are unknown to many.

Props to @Netflix for celebrating a champion for Black and LGBTQ+ workers!

— UFCW (@UFCW) September 9, 2021

United Steelworkers:

Secret spying, corporate cronies and course correction. It's not an episode of @DatelineNBC. It's President Conway's latest blog: #1u

— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) September 9, 2021

United Students Against Sweatshops:

USASer Emily Fox wrote a very insightful and engaging blog post about the experience she had as part of the delegation. Visit to give it a read!

The demands from the Colombian people are clear: the US needs to stop funding violence against Colombians!

— USAS (@USAS) September 7, 2021

Utility Workers:

Workers are taking back their power. Solidarity with our Sisters and Brothers. ✊

— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) September 8, 2021

Working America:

What does a union mean for a family? Just ask @AFLCIO Sec-Treasurer @STRedmond about the impact of his father's union job
"Nearly overnight, we had more security, opportunity and prosperity. We stopped going to the free clinic. We got off of food stamps."

— Working America | Pass the #PROAct (@WorkingAmerica) September 6, 2021

Writers Guild of America, East:

Workers have the right to discuss their pay & working conditions with their colleagues, and for Apple to try and impair employees’ ability to have those conversations "is a clear cut act of retaliation." #1u

— Writers Guild of America, East / #PROAct (@WGAEast) September 8, 2021 Kenneth Quinnell Thu, 09/09/2021 - 13:07

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: AFGE Marks 20th Anniversary of the TSA with Campaign to Expand Workers’ Rights

Thu, 09/09/2021 - 08:18
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: AFGE Marks 20th Anniversary of the TSA with Campaign to Expand Workers’ Rights

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

This Saturday will be 20 years since the 9/11 terror attacks. The labor movement will mark this occasion as a time of solemnity and remembrance. But it is also a time to commend the work of the people who keep the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) running every day and the flying public safe. AFGE members are marking the 20th anniversary of the creation of the TSA with a week of action. Transportation security officers’ (TSOs’) pay scale is broken and the union is pushing to fix it. AFGE is fighting for a bill in Congress that would give TSOs Title 5 workplace rights. Click here to view the social media toolkit and click here to take action.

Kenneth Quinnell Thu, 09/09/2021 - 09:18

Celebrate Labor Month 2021! In the States Roundup

Wed, 09/08/2021 - 11:40
Celebrate Labor Month 2021! In the States Roundup

It's time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.

Alabama AFL-CIO:

— Alabama AFL-CIO (@AlabamaAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

Alaska AFL-CIO:

We are kicking off #LaborMonth2021 with a week-long review of the American labor movement's history! ✊

We start by looking at the Cripple Creek Strike of 1894, led by the Free Coinage Union Local 19 (affiliated with the Western Federation of Miners). (1/6)

— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) September 8, 2021

Arkansas AFL-CIO:


— Arkansas AFL-CIO (@ArkansasAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

California Labor Federation:

"We cannot let Sept. 30 come and go without extending this. Workers need to take the time they need to get well if they get sick.” We're still in a pandemic. EXTEND EMERGENCY PAID SICK LEAVE NOW!

— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) September 8, 2021

Colorado AFL-CIO:

— Colorado AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOCO) September 3, 2021

Connecticut AFL-CIO:

.@STRedmond: "My three brothers and I grew up poor... Then something big happened, something that changed everything: my dad got a #union job"

— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Florida AFL-CIO:

The Florida AFL-CIO is proud to endorse Senator Perry Thurston in the special election for Congressional District 20.

Senator Thurston has been a tireless champion for Florida's working people, and we can count on him to stand up for working families in Washington.

— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Georgia AFL-CIO:

Happy Labor Day! You know what better than flowery language and symbolic victories? Real ones. It’s time to #PassThePROAct. #1u
CC: @POTUS, et al

— Georgia AFL-CIO // Pass The #ProAct (@AFLCIOGeorgia) September 6, 2021

Indiana State AFL-CIO:

The Labor Department under President Biden has been clear: If workers want to join a union, that is their choice and their choice alone, and they should be able to organize without fear of retaliation.

— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Iowa Federation of Labor:

4 WAYS TO SUPPORT THE #NABISCOSTRIKE & PRO Act Calls into Senate Offices

— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) September 8, 2021

Maine AFL-CIO:

Here's a little history of the Labor Movement in Maine #Solidarity #LaborHistory #mepolitics

— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO:

This #LaborDay2021, President Edwards sat down to talk about unions, working families, and women in leadership with Senator @CherylKagan on "Kibbitzing with Kagan". Check it out!

— Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO (@MDDCStateFed) September 7, 2021

Massachusetts AFL-CIO:

Happy Labor Day! We were proud to spend time today with workers in #Worcester and #Boston, supporting our sisters and brothers in the @MassNurses and @GBLCBoston. Tenet Healthcare must get this deal done and the Copley Marriott must put working families first #1u #LaborDay

— Massachusetts AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@massaflcio) September 6, 2021

Michigan AFL-CIO:

They have been on the frontlines of this pandemic, making sure that Michigan's economy continues to function and our families are cared for.
Tell lawmakers in Lansing to give our frontline workers the Hero Pay they have earned.>>>

— Michigan AFL-CIO ?? (@MIAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Minnesota AFL-CIO:

Over the course of the #mnstatefair, hundreds of Minnesotans signed thank you notes to our Senators for co-sponsoring the #ProAct. Senators @amyklobuchar & @TinaSmithMN , get ready for some mail! #1u

— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

Missouri AFL-CIO:

Union approval is at its highest since 1965!

— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

Nevada State AFL-CIO:

Since last #LaborDay, our union brothers and sisters have fought hard to protect and expand the #UnionDifference.

Today, we take time to rest, reflect, and recommit ourselves to this work to better the lives of ALL working Nevadans and their families.#Solidarity

— Nevada State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct (@NVAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

New Hampshire AFL-CIO:

ICYMI: Check out our Labor Day video!

— NewHampshire AFL-CIO (@NHAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

New Jersey State AFL-CIO:

— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

New Mexico Federation of Labor:

Shana Tova to all who are celebrating #RoshHashanah.

May it be a safe, healthy and happy New Year!

— NMFL \\ Pass the PROAct // (@NMFLaflcio) September 7, 2021

New York State AFL-CIO:

Great turn out for Buffalo #LaborDay. Kudos to Denise Abbott Buffalo CLC President and Peter DeJesus WNYALF for organizing.

The @WNYALF is #UnionStrong

Thank you @GovKathyHochul

— NYS AFL-CIO // #UnionStrong (@NYSAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

North Carolina State AFL-CIO:

Ahead of Labor Day, North Carolina leaders push for federal infrastructure bill via @ncpolicywatch #1u

— NC State AFL-CIO // Pass the #PROAct! (@NCStateAFLCIO) September 2, 2021

North Dakota AFL-CIO:

Infrastructure for North Dakota! Let's get it done!

— North Dakota AFL-CIO (@NDAFLCIO) September 7, 2021


Thx⁩ ⁦@JoeBiden⁩ for your #BuildBackBetter plan to reinvest in the America worker. This is why we endorsed ⁦@Russo4Ohio⁩ in the #CD15 Special Election. Like the ⁦@POTUS⁩, she will fight every day for the #Ohio worker, not billionaires

— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) September 8, 2021

Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:

IS this a Great State or What!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Henryetta Lador Day Events.

We hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend!

— Oklahoma State AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) September 7, 2021

Oregon AFL-CIO:

The staff at Kaiser Permanente are fighting for fair wages and benefits and safe staffing. Take action today for a fair contract and solutions to staffing levels that allow healthcare professionals the resources necessary to help save lives. #1u

— Oregon AFL-CIO / PASS THE PRO ACT (@OregonAFLCIO) September 8, 2021

Rhode Island AFL-CIO:

Happy Labor Day from the RI AFL-CIO!

Click here to read RI AFL-CIO President George Nee & Secrety Treasurer @PatCrowley401 Op/Ed in Sunday’s projo

— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) September 7, 2021

Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:

In the near future, women will officially make up half of the labor movement. It's time that the policies and culture of various unions reflect their needs. #1u

— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) September 8, 2021

Texas AFL-CIO:

Full op-ed by Rick Levy for the San Antonio Express News ?

— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) September 6, 2021

Virginia AFL-CIO:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! #laborday #1u #passtheproact

— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) September 6, 2021

Washington State Labor Council:

ICYMI: “The untold history of American labor includes so many diverse voices, experiences and struggles; it has touched every person living on this stolen land, and it has shaped the way today’s workers move through society.” - @GrimKim #1u

— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) September 7, 2021

West Virginia AFL-CIO:

“The perseverance of today’s workers in the public and private sectors gives me hope that brighter days lie ahead.” #wvpol #wvunionproud

— West Virginia AFLCIO (@WestVirginiaAFL) September 5, 2021

Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:

— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) September 7, 2021 Kenneth Quinnell Wed, 09/08/2021 - 12:40

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: NWSLPA Ramps Up #NoMoreSideHustles Campaign Over Labor Day Weekend

Wed, 09/08/2021 - 08:29
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: NWSLPA Ramps Up #NoMoreSideHustles Campaign Over Labor Day Weekend

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

The members of the National Women’s Soccer League Players Association (NWSLPA) have been calling for fair pay with their #NoMoreSideHustles campaign. This past Labor Day weekend, the union continued its campaign by encouraging its followers on Twitter and Instagram to share their experiences having to work side jobs to make ends meet. On the union’s campaign website,, the NWSLPA said that athletes of any gender should not have to work multiple jobs in addition to playing their sport professionally. In recent years, the union also has highlighted the disparity in pay between players on the U.S. men’s national soccer team and the U.S. women’s national soccer team. You can promote the campaign on social media using the hashtag #NoMoreSideHustles.

Kenneth Quinnell Wed, 09/08/2021 - 09:29

Nobody Gets Left Behind: The Working People Weekly List

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 12:03
Nobody Gets Left Behind: The Working People Weekly List

Every week, we bring you a roundup of the top news and commentary about issues and events important to working families. Here’s the latest edition of the Working People Weekly List.

Shuler: Modern Labor Movement Means Nobody Gets Left Behind: "The meaning of a holiday sometimes gets lost in its celebration. To a lot of people, Labor Day is just summer's last hurrah–a last fling at fun in the sun (tempered again this year by COVID-19) before the kids head back to school. Most importantly, Labor Day honors our labor movement–the country's 'single most powerful force for progress,' according to AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. 'And I’m not talking about institutions. I’m talking about workers coming together to make change in our workplaces and our society,' she added in her remarks at this year's Christian Science Monitor Labor Day breakfast. 'That’s what we do.'"

Approval of Labor Unions at Highest Point Since 1965: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans approve of labor unions. Though statistically similar to last year's 65%, the current reading is the highest Gallup has measured since 71% in 1965. Americans' approval of labor unions has been trending upward in recent years and is now at its highest point in more than half a century. Approval among Democrats, which is nearly unanimous, has risen over the past year as President Joe Biden has said he expects his administration to be one of the most pro-union in history."

'Lean In' Circles Help Women in Construction Navigate Bias: "'We see this all the time. When jobs are higher paid, when jobs have more security, when jobs have higher benefits, they often go to men,' said Sandberg, who partnered with NABTU to bring her signature 'Lean in Circles' program to tradeswomen after meeting Liz Shuler, now the president of the AFL-CIO, and Judaline Cassidy, a New York plumber and union leader who had formed a Lean In Circle on her own in 2017."

AFL-CIO President Shuler on Jobs and the Economy: "New AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler discussed the economy and jobs with the Christian Science Monitor. She also reflected on becoming the first woman to lead the union. The organization’s previous president, Richard Trumka, passed away in August 2021. Other topics discussed included workers' rights legislation and the upcoming midterm elections."

AFL-CIO Chief: In Pandemic, Unions Are a Source of ‘Trusted Information’: "Liz Shuler, new president of America's largest labor federation, says the U.S. economic system is 'broken' and that workers need a stronger voice. Liz Shuler hasn’t missed a beat. Following the sudden death of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka earlier this month, Shuler stepped right into his shoes as the nation’s top labor leader, after 12 years as his deputy. Now, on the eve of Labor Day, President Shuler is carrying on with the 12.5-million-member federation’s goals: passing pro-union legislation, turning around organized labor’s long-declining membership, and improving working conditions–including the safe return to work amid a pandemic."

New AFL-CIO President: 'Everyone Should be Vaccinated': "Liz Shuler, the new president of the largest federation of unions in America, said Tuesday that everyone should be vaccinated against COVID-19 and urged AFL-CIO member unions to be a source of 'reliable, good information' on vaccines for their members."

Nevada AFL-CIO Elects First Woman, Latina Executive Secretary-Treasurer: "Assemblywoman Susie Martinez, D-Las Vegas, will effectively be the head of organized labor in Nevada after a history-making vote last week. Martinez is the first woman and the first Latina to take on the role of executive secretary-treasurer of the Nevada AFL-CIO. 'It’s very special to me because it just shows women, and especially women of color, that we should have a seat at the table,' she said during a phone interview Monday afternoon."

Student Workers at Hamilton College to Vote on Unionization, Possibly a National First: "The campus tour guides and senior admissions fellows (who interview prospective students and provide comment for their files), all undergraduates, have filed a petition for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board, said Eric Kopp, a member of the students’ organizing committee, a senior admissions fellow and an intern at the Central New York Labor Council."

Arizona Civil Rights Leaders Join Nationwide Marches for Voting Rights Legislation: "Liz Shuler also went to the event. She's the first female president of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. 'The labor movement sees workplace rights and voting rights as one,' she said. 'We are basically here to stand in solidarity with the community, with working people, joining together to make sure our voices are heard at the ballot box and make sure voting is accessible and available for everyone.'"

Kenneth Quinnell Tue, 09/07/2021 - 13:03

‘State of the Unions’ Podcast: It‘s Labor Day! A Conversation with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 09:50
‘State of the Unions’ Podcast: It‘s Labor Day! A Conversation with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh

On the latest episode of "State of the Unions," podcast co-host Tim Schlittner welcomes new co-host Carolyn Bobb. They discuss the legacy of Richard Trumka, Liz Shuler and the new leadership team at AFL-CIO and talk to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.

State of the Unions” is available on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and anywhere else you can find podcasts.

Kenneth Quinnell Tue, 09/07/2021 - 10:50

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Workers Mobilize to Help Recovery Efforts After Hurricane Ida

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 08:33
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Workers Mobilize to Help Recovery Efforts After Hurricane Ida

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast as a Category 4 storm last weekend, causing untold damage and knocking out electricity for more than 1 million people in Louisiana and Mississippi. Remnants of the storm struck New York City and the Northeast on Wednesday night, causing the deaths of at least 24 people and leading to widespread flooding and power outages. Across the country, the labor movement is mobilizing to provide support to union members and affected communities. On Tuesday, members of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 763 set off from Omaha, Nebraska, traveling to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to help communities along the Gulf Coast restore power. The Louisiana AFL-CIO has established a disaster relief fund to help union members impacted by natural disasters. Checks may be sent to: Louisiana AFL-CIO Disaster Relief Fund, 429 Government St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802.

Kenneth Quinnell Tue, 09/07/2021 - 09:33

Economy Gains 235,000 Jobs in August; Unemployment Down to 5.2%

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 08:31
Economy Gains 235,000 Jobs in August; Unemployment Down to 5.2%

The U.S. economy gained 235,000 jobs in August, and the unemployment rate declined to 5.2%, according to figures released Friday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In response to the August job numbers, AFL-CIO Chief Economist William Spriggs tweeted:

Despite half of states ending unemployment insurance benefit supplements early, payroll employment is a good number 235,000 in August, but too slow to clear the unemployment backlog by Labor Day when all supplements end. #JobsDay Happy #LaborDay @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay Once again the Black labor force shows employers are the problem. Black labor force participation went up, more Black workers did land jobs, but more did not, so the Black unemployment rate went up from 8.2 to 8.8% Employers don't mean they can't find anybody. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay Black workers continue to struggle, meaning the labor market is not tight. The August unemployment for Black workers was 8.8% The unemployment rate for high school dropouts (all races) was 7.8% That is a labor market where employers are being picky. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay the labor market in August improved slightly for women-head of households, their unemployment rate fell from 8.5 to 7.9% (still higher than for high school dropouts). Childcare issues are making things hard for women. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

While August job gains were modest, they were spread across all industries, but with losses in retail trade, construction and a stall in hiring for leisure & hospitality. Higher wage industries (going up) are adding more jobs (going right) relative to low wage industries. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

On the plus side in the #JobsDay report, job losses are declining, especially those suffering permanent job losses. The weaker than hoped job numbers are from slower hiring. Job leavers are only a tiny share of the story. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

The @federalreserve has begun to understand it must incorporate deeper measures of the labor market to determine if we are at full employment, but this is not the case today with those who make fiscal policy and are ending unemployment support. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

This chart shows why racial equity in policy making is so hard. Discrimination slows the recovery of the Black labor market, notice that the Black unemployment rate even went up in a month when it fell for everyone. #LaborDay the plug is going to be pulled in helping workers.

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay Women, who are segregated to the lower wage industries that shrank, have been making gains in some higher wage industries: construction, transportation & warehousing and utilities. This switch is the competition that low wage industries face--not UI benefits. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay IMPORTANT: Remember that Pandemic Extended unemployment ends with all the other ARP federal supplements to regular state UI, when the average duration of unemployment is over 27, and half of Black and Asian American workers have durations longer than 22 weeks. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

#JobsDay Labor Flow data show that the share of unemployed workers finding jobs in the next month is edging up. It is now near 26%. But, that is not a pace that will clear the labor market anytime soon, and not fast enough for the unemployment insurance cliff next week. @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

It has been frustrating seeing states struggle with managing federal aid, like the important rental assistance program. Despite all the federal dollars they have received, they are not hiring the workers needed to set up and run these urgently needed programs. @AFSCME @AFLCIO

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

The problems in the care economy are self-evident. This is why @POTUS plan for making major investments in it are vital to a healthy recovery. Businesses need to stop whining and moaning about the lack of workers and get behind solutions. And cutting UI benefits is not it.

— William E. Spriggs (@WSpriggs) September 3, 2021

Last month’s biggest job gains were in professional and business services (+74,000), transportation and warehousing (+53,000), education (+40,000), manufacturing (+37,000), other services (+37,000), information (+17,000), financial activities (+16,000) and mining (+6,000), while retail trade (-29,000), state workers (-25,000) and local education (-5,700) saw losses. In August, employment showed little change in other major industries, including leisure and hospitality, construction, wholesale trade and health care. 

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (5.1%) and White Americans (4.5%) declined in August, while the rate for teenagers (11.2%) increased. The jobless rates for Black Americans (8.8%), Hispanics (6.4%), adult women (4.8%) and Asian Americans (4.6%) showed little change over the month.

The number of long-term unemployed workers (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) decreased in August and accounted for 37.4% of the total unemployed.

Kenneth Quinnell Fri, 09/03/2021 - 09:31

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: IAFF Responds to Members’ Needs in Wake of Hurricane Ida

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 08:15
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: IAFF Responds to Members’ Needs in Wake of Hurricane Ida

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Members of the Fire Fighters (IAFF) are setting up a command center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and are assessing membership needs in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, which made landfall Aug. 29 as a Category 4 storm. Early reports indicate that members of IAFF locals 1405 in Houma and 1925 in Morgan City, Louisiana, were hardest hit. However, the union said that limited cell phone service, electricity outages and roads blocked with debris have made it difficult to get a complete picture. “Our team is ready to mobilize and respond to our membership’s needs immediately after the storm,” IAFF General President Edward Kelly said on Sunday. “We are also prepared to pull additional resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other agencies as needed.” You can donate to the IAFF’s Disaster Relief Fund by visiting

Kenneth Quinnell Fri, 09/03/2021 - 09:15

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: UNITE HERE Ramps Up Campaign to Save Daily Housekeeping at Hilton Hotels

Thu, 09/02/2021 - 08:30
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: UNITE HERE Ramps Up Campaign to Save Daily Housekeeping at Hilton Hotels

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

As tourism comes back, the hotel industry is trying to cut guest services and the workers who make these services possible, and Hilton—where unions spent over $100 million in 2018 and 2019—is leading the way. UNITE HERE is preparing to launch a national campaign to restore thousands of hotel housekeeping jobs and is asking for the labor movement’s support. Click here to access UNITE HERE’s toolkit for labor allies and be part of the campaign.

Hilton recently announced the end of automatic daily housekeeping, threatening the travel experience and housekeepers’ livelihoods. UNITE HERE is pushing for hotel rooms to be cleaned every day because that’s the standard of service guests have come to expect and love. Travelers say cleanliness is a top priority in poll after poll, and they should not have to request this standard service at a full-service hotel.

Kenneth Quinnell Thu, 09/02/2021 - 09:30

Building a New Future for Working Families

Wed, 09/01/2021 - 11:19
Building a New Future for Working Families

Our worlds have been turned upside down in the past 20 months, as we have adapted how we worship, work, educate our children, grocery shop and so much more. This also has been a time when many of us more fully realized the stark injustice of income inequality and its suffocating impact.

As a nation we recognize that we were kept safe and comfortable because of workers, from health care to first responders to grocery workers to farmworkers. We have come to appreciate how essential their contribution is to our lives. Many of these workers suffered greatly and many are still suffering. Restaurant workers, hotel housekeepers, convention hall workers and so many more are still waiting to be called back to work and to experience economic recovery. This Labor Day, let's honor all of these workers and recommit ourselves to support them in securing their rights.

Pope Francis got it right in a speech in June, when he challenged us, saying, “Let us look for solutions that will help us build a new future of work based on decent and dignified working conditions, originating in collective negotiation and promoting the common good, a phrase that will make work an essential component of our care for society and Creation.”

Building this new future is underway in Illinois and in the United States. The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is now being considered in the U.S. Senate, will recognize all workers for their God-given inherent dignity and their right to organize. The PRO Act would allow workers to more freely join a union without harassment, which is quite common now. The PRO Act would close the income inequality gap, help secure safe workplaces, strengthen the middle class, stabilize communities and put the U.S. on par with other industrialized countries. The PRO Act is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression.

Closer to home, Illinois voters will soon consider the Workers’ Rights Amendment. It would enshrine the rights of workers into the state constitution…giving workers in Illinois real protections.

Laws reflect our values. But laws do not get passed by themselves. They require a community, organized and appreciative of the value and dignity of workers and of work itself. They require communities of faith, as Pope Francis urges, to get engaged and stand in solidarity with workers, with the labor movement.

Chicago is the hometown of the American labor movement. And this year, the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) celebrates its 125th anniversary…founded just five years after Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. That spirit of social justice is woven throughout the 125 years the CFL has fought for working families. Fighting for laws and public policy that promote the dignity, value and respect for workers.

It requires organizations like ARISE Chicago, which connects our broad interfaith network to working people. I am proud to serve on the Religious Advisory Board for ARISE/Chicago. On this Labor Day, let us remember the words of Cardinal Mundelein who said of the Church of Chicago more than 100 years ago now: “Our place is beside the worker.”

Happy Labor Day!

Kenneth Quinnell Wed, 09/01/2021 - 12:19

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Help Our Union Family in Tennessee Recover from Massive Flooding

Wed, 09/01/2021 - 08:43
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Help Our Union Family in Tennessee Recover from Massive Flooding

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Historic rainfalls hit middle Tennessee this past weekend, leaving at least 20 dead and thousands with major property damage. The labor movement is stepping in to help our members and the communities affected by the flooding. You can show your solidarity by making a donation to the Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee’s disaster relief fund. Either click here or mail a check to the central labor council at P.O. Box 290153, Nashville, TN 37229 with “Flood Relief” in the memo line.

Kenneth Quinnell Wed, 09/01/2021 - 09:43

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: FLOC Hosts Mobile Health Clinic for Farm Workers

Tue, 08/31/2021 - 08:40
Service + Solidarity Spotlight: FLOC Hosts Mobile Health Clinic for Farm Workers

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Members of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) took part in a mobile health clinic event on Aug. 4 at Nature Fresh Farms near Toledo, Ohio. There, farm workers received general checkups, physicals and COVID-19 vaccinations. Farm workers said they greatly appreciated the chance to receive treatment closer to where they live and work.

“Thanks to our collective bargaining agreements, we created this mobile health clinic and it’s been ongoing for 30 years,” said FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez. In addition to the mobile clinic, the union has vaccinated some 6,000 community members at its union hall in Toledo. “Our theme has always been to get the vaccine to the people, as opposed to making them find it on their own.”

Kenneth Quinnell Tue, 08/31/2021 - 09:40
