Heavy Construction Industry

Construction sector Boilermaker members build, maintain and repair essential industrial infrastructure across North America, including power plants, steel mills, refineries, pulp and paper mills, bitumen (oil sands) processing plants and mining facilities.

Boilermakers have a long history of working on groundbreaking projects, including:

  • Manufacturing and building 10 miles of specially fabricated, close-tolerance, stainless steel tubing to help scientists measure gravitational waves
  • Replacing the hydroelectric generation station at the John Hart Dam on Vancouver Island, BC
  • Retrofitting an idle coal-fired power plant to one that burns eucalyptus trees to generate 34MW of electricity for the island of Hawaii
  • Constructing the only new coal-fired power plant in the United States for the University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  • Building the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) unit at Laramie River Station which delivers electricity across Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado

Watch this short video about the Tennessee Valley Authority Southaven Combined Cycle Plant outside Memphis, Tennessee. Boilermakers spent a little over two years building the three natural gas units that generate approximately 780 MW.

Find more Boilermaker Films

For more information, contact:

Anthony Howell
Executive Director - Construction Sector Operations
Phone: (985) 707-4551
Contact Form

Marty Stanton
Director - Construction Sector Operations-Jurisdictional Services
Phone: (913) 371-2640, ext. 129

Monte Causey
Director - Construction Division Services
Assistant Director - Construction Sector Operations
Phone: 615-824-2523
Contact Form

Jeffrey Hughes
Director - Construction Sector Operations-National Training Services
Assistant Director - Construction Sector Operations

Shon Almond
Director - National Transient Division Services
Phone: (615) 824-2523
Contact Form