Gallup: 61% oppose taking away collective bargaining

AMERICANS STRONGLY oppose laws taking away the collective bargaining power of public employee unions as a way to ease state financial troubles, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

The poll found that 61 percent would oppose a law in their state similar to one being considered in Wisconsin, compared with 33 percent who would favor such a law.

Ohio and several other states that have new Republican governors and legislative majorities are considering laws that would reduce the power of government employee unions to bargain over benefits and work rules.

FOX News gets it wrong

IF ANY OF your anti-union friends says you have the numbers backwards, that’s probably because they watch Fox. On the February 23 edition of Fox & Friends, Brian Kilmeade claimed the numbers were reversed.

It’s difficult to believe a serious journalist and his entire staff would make such a whopping mistake, but Fox News claims they are an entertainment show, not journalism.

To verify what the USA TODAY/Gallup poll found, you can check the source, USA TODAY.