January - March 2008
L-169 members tear down, rebuild blast furnace in under 100 days
ABOUT 250 BOILERMAKERS — members of Local 169 (Detroit) and travelers from other Boilermaker lodges — set a new standard for steelmakers worldwide when they removed and replaced a “C” blast furnace in record-setting time. | Read More
Ohio locals rally for Obama
IN THE RUN-UP to the Ohio Democratic primary March 4, Boilermaker locals launched a coordinated effort to support Sen. Barack Obama in his hotly-contested race for the presidency. | Read More
- Ohio locals rally for Obama
- International Executive Council backs Obama
- Ontario unions ratchet up political involvement
- LEAP names 2008 legislative issues
- Dying pines signal global warming has arrived
- Boilermakers attend UN climate change conference
- Boilermakers engage in international climate change debate
- L-169 members tear down, rebuild blast furnace in under 100 days
- Local 40 revamps Marathon regenerator
- NTL members replace tank bottom
- Boilermakers sell T-shirts to raise funds
- Workers at nuclear outage dig deep for troops abroad
- Local 60 awards scholarships
- Six L-73 dependents win scholarships
- Local 154's Crawford wins bear hunt
- Local 1 VP Schwartz named fire chief
- L-112 honors United Way liason
- Hobart develops new welding rod
- Local 146 celebrates 60 years
- L-28's Devlin chosen mayor of Wall, N.J.
- Local S8 reaches out to community
- News at a glance
L-687’s Sibley teaches Afghans to weld
SPECIALIST THOMAS SIBLEY, a third-period apprentice with Local 687 (Charleston, Heights, S.C.) didn’t figure on putting his welding skills to much use when his National Guard unit shipped out to Afghanistan in May 2007. | Read More
- Recruiting program adds 500 workers first year
- Students join L-11 members at job site
- L-146 creates WorkSmart program
- L-193 forms recruiting committee
- HAZMAT/radiological training available to railroad members
- District D11 forms safety committee
- Employers must pay for safety gear
- Phil Dine book says labor still relevant
- Breslin book is call to arms for union construction workers