Members Impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Need Your Help!

The International has issued an appeal to local lodges to assist fellow members impacted by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.

All locals and members are urged to donate to our Disaster Relief Fund in support of the victims of these natural disasters, and to assist our brothers and sisters during this critical time of need.

The International is calling upon all locals and members to donate to our Disaster Relief Fund in support of the victims of Hurricane Harvey, and to assist our brothers and sisters during this critical time of need.

Checks should be made to “W.T. Creeden, IST” with "Disaster Relief Fund" noted on the memo line of the checks.

Mail to:
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Attn: IST W.T. Creeden
753 State Ave., Suite 565
Kansas City, KS 66101

Letters to Local Lodges