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IBB addresses Italian electricity union congress

IST Bill Creeden addresses participants at the 2022 Congresso FLAEI-CISL Reti in Paestum, Italy.

FLAEI-CISL, the Italian Federation of Electrical Utility Workers and Italian Confederation of Labor, invited a Boilermakers union delegation to participate in the union’s 2022 Congress in Paestum, Italy—its first in-person gathering since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

FLAEI and the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers have developed a relationship over the years, as the two unions have experienced many common opportunities and challenges in the changing energy industry.

“Due to climate concerns, our power generation industries are facing dramatic change,” said IST Bill Creeden in remarks during the FLAEI-CISL congress. “The Boilermakers continue, as we have for more than two decades, to research and advocate for sensible solutions. We look for solutions and technologies that provide for a realistic mix of reliable energy resources that can save our planet and preserve jobs and social stability.

“At the same time, as changes in the power industry force plant closures, we are actively working to secure a sustainable future.”

Aptly, the theme for the FLAEI-CISL congress was “Beings for Change: Courageous for passion; bold in their choices; proud of a history with an eye to the future.”