65th Annual Summer Training Institutes

Basic Institute
July 7-12, 2024

Registration Deadline:
June 21, 2024

Register Now

Advanced Institute
August 11-16, 2024

Registration Deadline:
June 29, 2024 July 19, 2024

Register Now

The International Brotherhood’s 65th annual Summer Training Institutes at the University of Wisconsin's School for Workers will be held during the weeks of July 7-12, 2024 and August 11-16, 2024. Your lodge is encouraged to send officers, stewards, and other local lodge leaders to this year’s institutes.

The Basic Institute will be held July 7-12, 2024 and the Advanced Institute will be held August 11-16, 2024. Both institutes will convene at the Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.

In addition to lodge officers and stewards, other leaders who may benefit from attendance include members of the negotiating, safety, and health committees. To learn more about the University of Wisconsin's School for Workers, please visit schoolforworkers.wisc.edu. For questions and information regarding the program please contact Kym Savage at 913-281-8118 or ksavage@boilermakers.org.

The registration fee for each institute, Basic and Advanced, is $1,855.00 per person for a single occupancy room and $1,575.00 per person for a double occupancy room. The cost of registration covers lodging from Sunday - Thursday evening, and also includes dinner Sunday evening and tuition. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon refreshments will be included Monday - Thursday, with breakfast also included for Friday. There is a daily parking fee of $18.00 that is not included in the registration fee. Please be advised that the parking garage has a six foot (6') height limit.  For those whose travel needs require them to arrive early or stay after the sessions have ended, extra nights are $131.00 for a single occupancy room and $151.00 for a double occupancy room with a $18.00 per day parking fee. The registration fee on its own, without lodging or parking would be the commuter cost of $1,200.00.

The registration deadline is June 21, 2024 for the Basic Institute and July 19, 2024 for the Advanced Institute. Participant expenses, including transportation, lost-time wages, registration, and other authorized costs are the responsibility of the local lodge or participant. The expenditure of local lodge funds to send representatives to this program must be done in accordance with the International Brotherhood Constitution, Local Lodge By-Laws, and the Expenditure of Local and District Lodge Funds Policy.

Please bring the 2024 Summer Basic and Advanced Training Institutes to the attention of your members at your upcoming meetings and select participants to attend at the earliest possible date. Registration for the institutes can be found online at https://boilermakers.org/sfw2024/basic for the Basic Institute and https://boilermakers.org/sfw2024/advanced for the Advanced Institute.

Additional information on travel and facilities will be forwarded directly to registrants.