UNION AND TRADE officials from nine countries paid a visit to International headquarters Sept. 9 to learn about organized labor in the United States. The visit was arranged by the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program. Each year, the program brings about 5,000 foreign nationals to the United States to meet with their counterparts and experience America firsthand.
The group visiting the Brotherhood included representatives from Bangladesh, Barbados, Cambodia, Guatemala, Kuwait, Nigeria, Swaziland, Turkey, and Zimbabwe. Meeting with the visitors were, standing, second from left, Jim Pressley, D-AAIP, ED-ISO; fifth from left, Erica Turney, secretary-ISO; seventh from left, Tracy Buck, A/D-AAIP; eighth from left, Jackie Judy, A/D-ISO; and ninth from left, Gary Powers, A/D-ISO.