L-34 members celebrate holiday, raise funds for sick member

Over 100 people attend Local 34’s Christmas party in Topeka, Kan., including retired Intl. Vice Pres. Joe Stinger (pictured at right in off-white jacket).

MEMBERS OF LOCAL 34 (Topeka, Kan.) attended their annual Christmas party Dec. 13. The members usually celebrate Christmas at work by eating pizza together. But this year, with help from the law firm C. Marshall Friedman, they partied with their spouses at the Crestview Shelter House in Topeka. Over 100 active and retired members and guests enjoyed an evening of celebration and activities.

Local 34 Recording Secretary Kenneth Nelson served as party chairman. “There were seven of us on the committee,” he said. “We started working on this last July. Everyone had a great time at the party.”

Fifty-year member Wayne Pence said it was the best party he has ever attended. Pence, along with 36 other Local 34 members, received service pins that night, presented by retired Intl. Vice Pres. Joe Stinger. Other highlights included a PowerPoint presentation showing Local 34 members at work and play. Thirty-year member Benton Roseberry said the slide show was excellent and the fellowship heartwarming.

Members also contributed $450 that night to go with the $2,000 they had raised by raffling off a shotgun. The funds were later presented to George Hicks, a 10–year member who has been off work since May recovering from colon cancer. Forty–year member Jerry McCormick won the raffle. When presented with the gun, McCormick said to give it to George. “Tell George that this is from his fellow Boilermakers and to have a Merry Christmas and happy hunting.”

Honored guests included Stinger, Railroad Division Director Dan Hamilton, Intl. Rep Frank May, retired Railroad Division Director Alan Scheer, and Ron Ranes, legal investigator for Marshall Friedman.