L-28 members install ICE at Princeton

Working for AB&P Mechanical are Local 28 members, l. to r., Jason Verge (foreman), Chris Smith, Mike Plaia, and Chris Torrell.

New economizers are part of university’s energy conservation project

MEMBERS OF LOCAL 28 (Newark, N.J.) working for new Boilermaker contractor AB&P Mechanical completed a waste heat recovery system in July as part of an energy conservation project at Princeton University.

According to Michael Phillips, manager of construction operations for the general contractor Tozour-Trane, the Boilermakers installed three indirect contact economizers (ICE) to increase the thermal efficiency of the university’s boilers. Each ICE weighed in excess of 25,000 pounds and had to be placed in a space with less than a few inches of clearance. During the four-month job, the crew also fabricated and installed the breeching between the ICE and the existing flue gas ducts, and three very large dampers.

“Jason Verge, foreman, and his team — Chris Torrell, Mike Plaia, and Chris Smith — demonstrated excellent workmanship and cooperation with the university’s operating personnel, the other contractors, and myself,” Phillips reported. “I commend them for their professional workmanship and skill. They showed careful attention to detail and sensitivity to the schedule . . . working together made this a very successful and safe installation. Timely visits and interest [by L-28 business agent James R. Chew Jr.] in this very important project helped us to be successful.”

Chew reports that the university’s small package boilers were equipped with the economizer units to increase each unit’s efficiency. “Prior to this job, the general contractor did not know what a Boilermaker was,” Chew said. “It seems these members performed well and have won the confidence of both of these new contractors.”