Brotherhood readies for 32nd Consolidated Convention

Event will be held at Caesar’s Palace

JUST WEEKS AWAY from the Boilermakers’ 32nd Consolidated Convention in Las Vegas July 25-28, the Brotherhood is completing plans to renew its constitution, elect International officers, and chart the union’s path forward.

The convention, held every five years, is by far the Brotherhood’s largest — and most important — gathering. Delegates from across the North American continent and Hawaii will travel to Caesar’s Palace to represent the interests of their lodges. They will vote on proposed changes to the constitution and International policies; they will choose International leaders; and they will have an opportunity to debate with their brothers and sisters in a democratic forum.

In preparation for the convention, International officers and staff complete reports about developments within their jurisdictions; local lodges and the International Executive Council submit resolutions to amend the constitution; and the International President appoints committees to assist with the work of the convention.

The Committee on the Constitution and Law (commonly called the “Law Committee”) has an especially big challenge. It will consider all appropriately filed resolutions that require amending the constitution, make recommendations as to whether changes should be made, and produce a detailed report for the delegates to consider. During the convention, the delegates will have the opportunity to examine every article of the constitution and debate proposed changes. It is a lengthy but necessary process that protects and preserves the constitution while allowing modifications to be made.

Behind the scenes, International officers and staff have undertaken the enormous task of planning the event: securing meeting and vendor facilities, arranging for speakers, scheduling presentations, preparing signage and visuals, publishing reports, and setting up work areas.

Among the attractions being planned for the convention is a mobile museum designed by the Brotherhood History Preservation Department. The museum will use artifacts and images to depict the people, tools, and projects reflecting our organization’s history. Other special presentations and activities will be announced at the convention.

As the event nears, the Communication and Education Department will activate a special website ( that will provide schedules and speaker information along with daily summaries of convention business and activities. Members can also follow the convention on Twitter:

Full reports of the convention will be included in the next issue of the Boilermaker Reporter.

About This Article

Boilermaker Reporter Issue

Published July 8, 2011

The Boilermaker Reporter

Volume 63, Number 1
Jan 2024 to Mar 2024
Online |  PDF

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