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L-363 again earns Charles W. Jones award

The reason this has happened three years in a row is because I’m surrounded by people who actually care.

 William Mulconnery, L-363 BM-ST

L-363 BM-ST William Mulconnery accepts the Charles W. Jones award. L to r: Most programs administrator Mark Garrett, IVP-Great Lakes Dan Sulivan, Mulconnery, IP Tim Simmons

It was a three-peat for Local 363 (Bellville, Illinois) in winning the 2023 Charles W. Jones Award, presented this past August during the 2024 MOST National Tripartite Alliance conference. The award honors the local lodge demonstrating the highest use of specified MOST programs during the preceding year.

MOST programs considered for the honor include OHSA 10/30, Common Arc, Substance Abuse, Scaffolding, Steel Erection, Rigging, Field Leadership and Boilermaker Code.

“The reason this has happened three years in a row is because I’m surrounded by people who actually care,” said L-363 Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer William Mulconnery. “And they always ask, ‘What can we do better.’ So, that’s the people who really deserve this award, and I’m going to take the recognition back to them.”

The award was created to encourage local lodges to stay involved and to best prepare apprentices for safety on the job. MOST Program Administrator Mark Garrett said participation has increased every year since the award’s inception.

He stressed that participation is based on percentage calculations, so the size of a local does not influence the award outcome.