THE FIGURES ARE staggering. Unemployment at 8.5 percent. More than 600,000 people filing unemployment claims each week. And only 37 percent of unemployed workers collecting unemployment benefits.
Eye-popping as the numbers may be, they are just numbers. The real stories are the individual ones. For every 600,000 people who file for unemployment every week, there are 600,000 unique stories. Hardworking people, struggling to get by. And too often, they don't know where to turn for help.
Your local lodge is one resource. Whether you’ve fallen victim to a reduction in force or your place of employment is closing, your local lodge is the first place to look for help. Local lodges have connections to the community, to other unions, and to other Boilermaker lodges, some of which are looking for workers.
The AFL-CIO’s Unemployment LifeLine is another place to look for help. A new one-stop online resource center for jobless workers, the lifeline can put families in touch with local resources, online resources, and other people going through the same problems — people who might have solved a problem you are facing.
Give the Unemployment Lifeline a look.