Women set records in American politics

Females hold some of nation’s top government offices

You’ve come a long way, baby. From having few legal rights in the 1800s, to getting the right to vote ratified in the 1900s, to holding some of the highest political offices in the 2000s — women have come a long way.

In the mid-term 2006 elections, not only did voters restore control of both houses to the Democrat Party, they also elected several women to office. In fact, there are now 16 female senators — an all-time high —and a record 71 women in the U.S. House of Representatives. In January, history was made again when Nancy Pelosi (D-CA 8th) was elected the nation’s first-ever female House speaker. There are also seven female governors, several hundred female mayors, and thousands of women sitting on political committees at all levels of government.

What is more, two years from now, a woman could be leading the most powerful country in the world — that is, if Hillary Clinton makes good in her run for the U.S. presidency.