Organizational changes will improve industrial sector service

Newton B. Jones, International President

New sector director, IVP provide support and advocacy for industrial sector lodges

THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE Council (IEC) announces the establishment of the Boilermakers Industrial Sector Services Department (ISSD) to provide service, support, and advocacy for lodges and members in the industrial boiler, forge, shipbuilding, cement, and stove industries. Headed by a Director and overseen by an International Vice President, the new department will enable the International to improve service to industrial sector lodges while reducing the International’s administrative costs.

The IEC voted unanimously to make Warren Fairley International Vice-President-at-Large – industrial sector. IVP Fairley’s role will be to support the regional Vice Presidents in their servicing of our industrial sector lodges. He will oversee the activities of the ISSD and be an advocate on the Executive Council for those members working in the industrial sector.

A former business manager of one of the Brotherhood’s largest locals, Local Lodge 693 (Pascagoula, Miss.), IVP Fairley will be the Brotherhood’s liaison with the Metal Trades Department, the Transportation Trades Department, and other AFL-CIO affiliate structures. He will also continue the Brotherhood’s leadership role within the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine, and General Workers’ Unions (ICM), as established by IVP James Hickenbotham before his retirement.

James A. Pressley has been named Director of the ISSD. He will coordinate the International’s service activities for lodges in this sector.

Director Pressley has the experience to ensure the success of this department and commands the respect of all who have worked with him. He will work closely with the area Vice Presidents to enhance the level of service to all our industrial sector members.

For some time, our International Constitution has embraced the concept that our union should have a division devoted exclusively to our members working in industrial plants and shops. Although the Consolidated Convention has never established such a division, Article 19.1.3 recognizes that our industrial membership shares interests that can be best served through the coordinated provision of services by the International.

In years past, the Research and Collective Bargaining Services Department has provided many services to our industrial sector lodges. But I and the other International officers feel strongly that those industries, whether designated by division or otherwise, need and deserve a more formalized and organized level of service from a department devoted to their collective interests.

The ISSD will be a large and important part of our union and its operations. This department will manage and coordinate the many services our industrial sectors require: safety and health, arbitration, collective bargaining, grievance handling, in-plant organizing, in-plant Fight Back training, leadership training, financial troubleshooting, and more.

Whatever the needs of our industrial sector organizations (divisions, conferences, and local unions) and whether their members toil in the shipbuilding, forging, cement, stove, railroad, or other industries, the ISSD will be the principal resource through which such services are provided.

In establishing the ISSD, the Council was mindful of the cost-reduction goals adopted by delegates to the 31st Consolidated Convention in 2006. Convention action gave the Executive Council the authority to lower the International’s administrative costs by gradually reducing the number of International Vice Presidents.

As International Vice Presidents leave office, the Executive Council may adjust vice-presidential jurisdiction over the lodges and, where it is deemed advisable, choose not to name a successor to an outgoing International Vice President.

IVP Fairley will retain his roles as Director of the Shipbuilding and Marine Repair Division and Executive Assistant to the International President. By not hiring a new person for these positions, the Council saves an estimated 75 percent of the cost of an International Vice President’s salary and benefit package.

This new structure will ensure a greater, more effective level of service to our industrial sector industry locals, and a greater strengthening of our industrial sector overall.

All industrial sector lodges will be under the daily direction of the regional International Vice President and staff member assigned to service the lodge. The services provided by the Industrial Sector Services Department and by International Vice President-at-Large Fairley will be in a support and advisory role, working in cooperation with those regional Vice Presidents and staff . All members of the IEC support the new structure and will work hand-in-hand with IVP Fairley and Director Pressley to ensure members and lodges receive the best service we can collectively provide.

Brotherhood loses a good friend

THIS BROTHERHOOD AND the entire labor movement lost a good friend and a tireless supporter when IVP Othal Smith Jr. succumbed to a heart attack in October.

Everyone who worked with Othal knew him as a person who loved people and dedicated his life to helping them. He was devoted to the labor movement, and his presence will be missed.

About This Article

Boilermaker Reporter Issue

Published December 5, 2007

The Boilermaker Reporter

Fall 2024

Volume 63, Number 3
Jul 2024 to Sep 2024
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