Scholarship recipients, family members, and L-83 union officials take part in the lodge’s annual award presentation in Kansas City, Mo. Front row, left to right, Heike Talkington, recipient Kimberly Talkington, Dennis Schissel (recipient Danielle Schissel unavailable for photo), Darrell Manroe, recipient Shylo Manroe, Kathy Harlan, recipient Katy Harlan, Michael Harlan, and recipient Jacob Calvert. Back row, Missouri Business Agent Joe Lewandowski, BM-ST Scot Albertson, President Tom Dye, Vice President Chris Urie, Gerald Calvert,
and Rec. Sec. John Seward. In addition to a lodge scholarslhip, Kimberly Talkington also received a $550 scholarship from the Omaha/SW Iowa Building Trades Council.