Trade watch group questions secrecy of TPP negotiations

Lori Wallach addresses the Boilermakers’ LEAP conference May 7.

Lori Wallach’s New York Times op-ed raises alarm over sweeping Trans-Pacific Partnership deal

IN A NEW YORK Times op-ed piece (“Obama’s Covert Trade Deal”) published June 2, Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, lays out her concerns over the Obama administration’s support for a secretive Pacific trade agreement that she says could threaten the liberties of Americans and foster even more off-shoring of U.S. jobs.

Wallach also presented her concerns about the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal on May 7, to delegates attending the Boilermakers’ 45th annual LEAP conference in Washington, D.C. The TPP was one of the key discussion/lobbying issues at the conference.

Read Wallach’s op-ed piece here.