L-13 praised for work on PPL’s Montour outage

BY ALL ACCOUNTS, the Montour Unit #1 Spring 2011 boiler outage [in Washingtonville, Pa.] was a huge success. We would like to thank you [BM-ST James Banford], Jack Borzell [L-13 business agent], your staff and the Boilermakers of Local 13 for making this possible. Jack’s constant attention to the Montour site is very much appreciated and helped a great deal in achieving our goals. You should be pleased to know that not only did the Boilermakers of Local 13 perform above our expectations, they once again completed a major outage ahead of schedule and under budget.

Weld quality and safety on the boiler project were excellent. Although we did have two recordable injuries, the Boilermakers' attention to safety and housekeeping was excellent. We will continue to work with Local 13 to make sure the safety of the men and women working on our jobs is maintained as our highest priority. The overall RT rejection rate was 1.3%, and for the first time in PPL history, the tube flow check was completed without a single blockage.

We thank the general foremen and foremen that kept the job running smoothly while maintaining constant attention to safety, quality and productivity in their work areas. The Boilermakers did an outstanding job from start to finish and persevered through some of the worst outage weather conditions we have seen in quite some time.

We are very proud to work with your members. The tremendous results and feedback from this outage stem directly from your leadership and training that you and your staff provide.

Again, thank you for the great work and we look forward to building on our success with the Boilermaker of Local #13.

Jeff Kiley
Boiler Group Manager, and
Joseph Dulaney
Project Manager
Minnotte Contracting Corp.

About This Article

Local Lodges
Boilermaker Reporter Issue

Published August 30, 2011

The Boilermaker Reporter

Volume 63, Number 1
Jan 2024 to Mar 2024
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