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Local 104 members save crew member

Local 104 (Seattle) Boilermakers’ quick response to a workplace accident saved a crew member’s life. Hanging off the side of a ship at Vigor Shipyard in Portland, Oregon, a crew member was painting when the rope to his bosun’s chair broke. The damaged rope caused the man to plummet 75 feet, striking the pier and falling into the water. Members Trinity Presler and Jesus Castellano saw the incident occur and radioed “man overboard!”

Without hesitation, members Shawn Connett and Derek Bristow leapt into the chilly water.

“I got a call there was a man overboard, so I went out and responded to the location,” says Bristow. “One of my level two supervisors, Shawn Connett, was already in the water. I went into the water and assisted securing the injured man until we could get a boat into the pier.”

Bristow and Connett kept the unconscious man above water for more than 10 minutes until emergency and rescue services arrived.

Local 104 Assistant Business Manager Brian Richart said, “I’m absolutely proud of the brothers and sister that went out of their comfort zone to risk their own lives for another.”

The injured man is now recovering.