Boy Scouts earn welding badges at L-83

NINE BOY SCOUTS from Troop 1428 in Raytown, Mo., spent time at the Local 83 (Kansas City, Mo.) training center July 24, working on their welding merit badges. Scout mother and Boilermaker member Luanne Arroyo arranged the visit. On hand to welcome the scouts were lodge officers and welding instructors, who gave the troop a first-hand look at welding basics, including safety requirements. Pictured above are, front row, left to right, Dispatcher Casey Jensen, Carl Glosenger, Jedidiah Pilkinton, Elijah Pilkinton, Valentino Arroyo, Andrew Nave, Bobby Stallings, and Scout Master Dave Glosenger; back row, Vice President Chris Urie, Luanne Arroyo, Sean Laney, John Lark, Victor Andonie, Instructor Gerald Calvert, BM-ST Scot Albertson, Instructor Rudi Weis, and Cub Master Ben Stallings.