Boilermaker Code is “survival tool”

[Addressed to IP Newton B. Jones, via email]

I JUST WATCHED “The Boilermaker Code: Ending the Red Ass Era.” The Boilermaker Code may be the most important survival tool since the inception of the MOST programs. I am so glad to see that we are admitting to and addressing an issue that has cost us untold man-hours and dollars.

Thank you.

Local 374 (retired)

[Response from Pres. Jones]

Thank you for your email note regarding our newest MOST program, The Boilermaker Code. I do agree that this is one of our most important initiatives since the inception of the MOST trust.

When one looks back on our “Red Ass” behavior over the years, one can only conclude that we were drunk with power and so blind to what we were doing to the future of our craft.

I do hope that our “Live The Code” program will help to change our Boilermaker culture to one that is more conscious and respectful of the best traditions of our union and our craft.