L-85 raises money for injured apprentice

Dustin O’Shea enjoys support during a benefit July 9. First row, l. to r., apprentices Jim Ellerbush, Ryan Goldstein, and Michael DiMaria; back row, apprentice Danny McKinney, apprentice training coordinator Paul McGrew, and apprentice Michael Beck.

Dustin O’Shea hurt on powerhouse job

A DINNER AND auction held July 9 at Local 85 (Toledo, Ohio) raised money for probationary apprentice Dustin O’Shea, 23, who suffered severe injuries from a fall Feb. 15, 2011. The accident occurred while O’Shea was working on catalyst change-out boxes at a power plant in Michigan.

The injury left the young apprentice paralyzed from the waist down. L-85 apprentice training director Paul McGrew said O’Shea has made tremendous improvement since the accident and is now undergoing physical therapy. He recently returned home from the hospital, but his home needs modifications to accommodate him.

Fellow apprentices organized the fund raiser, which drew media coverage from WTVG TV Channel 13 in Toledo. O’Shea said of the fund-raiser, “It shows me that people really do care, and it means so much to me.”

McGrew noted that many voluntary hours went into planning the benefit. “Out of this terrible tragedy to Dustin O’Shea, who is so young, an outpouring of kindness, generosity, and benevolence was displayed by Local 85 apprentices, members, and their families,” he said. “The true meaning of ‘brotherhood’ was on display that day for all to see.”

L-85 BM-ST Fred Keith Jr. said the lodge“ has rallied to help this brand new probationary member at a critical time in his life. The friendship and donations of fellow members will help Dustin and his family through this most troubling time.”

Anyone interested in making a contribution to support O’Shea may send an e-mail to Paul McGrew (paul@bl85tc.net).