Locked out L-D239 members need your help

Locked out L-D239 members need your help


Re: Urgent Appeal for Financial Assistance to help locked out members of Local Lodge D239

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

On August 3, 2018, IMERYS locked out 33 members of Boilermakers Local Lodge D239 in Three Forks, MT. The members rejected a company proposal that, among other things, would have removed new retiree health insurance, frozen their defined pension benefit, removed seniority from consideration when filling positions and changed how overtime was paid.

Local Lodge D239 members and their families need our help as they will be facing extraordinary hardships due to this lockout. The International has established a fund to assist them during this very difficult period and we need your assistance.

I am requesting that every lodge do what it can to contribute to this fund and to make members aware of this lockout situation so that individuals may also donate to the fund.

Checks should be made out to “W.T. Creeden, IST” with “D239 Lockout Assistance” on the memo line at the bottom of the checks. Mail checks to:

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Attn: IST W.T. Creeden
753 State Ave., Suite 565
Kansas City, KS 66101

Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can render, I remain

Sincerely and Fraternally Yours,

Newton B. Jones
International President