The Boilermakers’ film partner, Wide Awake Films, earned a 2022 Gold Telly Award for the Boilermaker video, “Maid of the Mist.”
The 2019 film chronicled Boilermaker members upgrading the Maid of the Mist boats to innovative all-electric vessels. In addition to footage of the buildout of the vessels, Wide Awake Films captured Boilermakers devising a plan to rig and fly equipment and materials down hundreds of feet from the top of a river gorge to a dry dock on the banks below. Boilermakers from Local 5, Zone 7 (Orchard Park, New York); Local 744 (Cleveland, Ohio); Local 5, Zone 175 (Oswego, New York); and Local 5, Zone 197 (Albany, New York) worked on the project.
The 2022 Telly Awards received over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents and is judged by leading experts from video platforms, television, streaming networks and production companies. The Boilermaker film earned the Telly honor in the “General Sustainability for Non-Broadcast” category.