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Western States honors Senator at labor council event

IVP-WS J. Tom Baca (at podium) and IR Tim Jefferies present California state senator Nancy Skinner with a Boilermaker Riveter award to honor her efforts backing legislation that furthers Boilermaker work.

J. Tom Baca, IVP-Western States, took the opportunity to recognize California State Senator Nancy Skinner during the Contra Costa Labor Council’s annual fundraiser in Richmond, California, on Oct. 6. Baca presented Skinner with a Boilermaker Riveter award to honor her efforts backing legislation that furthers Boilermaker work in California.

“Senator Skinner co-authored SB 54 in 2013 when she was an assemblywoman, and this year, she was the whip to get SB 740 out of the Senate,” Baca notes. “Her work in moving these bills forward—and which were ultimately signed into law—means safer facilities, safer working conditions and more work opportunities for union Boilermakers.”

Skinner, who reaches her state senate term limit in the 2024 elections, represents California’s 9th State Senatorial District. She has served in a variety of elected positions for over 40 years.

Read more about her and the initiatives she has supported: https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/

In addition to the Boilermakers’ honor, Skinner was also presented with the Frances Perkins Award by The Contra Costa Labor Council, AFL-CIO during the event.

Each year, the labor council and the Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO host a “Labor to Labor” dinner fundraiser, for which the Western States is a sponsor. The annual event recognizes exceptional contributions and achievements in the labor movement and celebrates the work the labor council and its members do to address issues impacting working men and women in the Contra Costa area.

The Boilermakers union has long been a member of the Contra Costa Labor Council. IR Tim Jefferies, who is a member of Local 549 (Pittsburg, California), serves as vice president of the labor council’s executive board.

Learn more about SB 740 and how it impacts Boilermakers.