Early committee effort paves way for convention work

TWELVE COMMITTEES and five caucuses took part in the Boilermakers’ 32nd Consolidated Convention, held July 25-28 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Brotherhood’s Constitution provides for seven of these committees. Other “special committees” are appointed by the International president, who has authority to do so under the Constitution.

Committees meet and accomplish most of their work prior to the first day of the convention. They then submit their reports while the convention is in session. Committee reports often seek delegate action on resolutions to change the Constitution or the policies of the International.

The effort of these committees is vital in providing delegates with essential information on a broad range of issues so the work of the convention can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

Committees required by Constitution

Committee on Constitution and Law

THE CONSTITUTION AND Law Committee reviews the Boilermakers’ Constitution along with resolutions seeking to amend constitutional language. The committee makes recommendations on whether to keep the existing language or change it. Most of the work of the convention develops from the pre-convention work of the Law Committee. Some of the key language changes are explained in the main convention story.

Committee on Constitution and Law

Committee on Constitution and Law

Members were Chairman Jim Pressley, IVP-ISO; Secretary Mark Vandiver, D-NTD; Carl Ferguson, Local 199; Warren Fraleigh, Local 146; David Gaillard Local 19; Danny Hamilton, D-RDS; Phillip Halley, Local 359; Frank Hartsoe, Local 45; David Hegeman, Missouri River Dist. 5; Clay Herford, Lone Star District; Robert Hutsell, Local 169; Allen Meyers, Local 627; Kent Oliver, IR-CSO; J. T. Rhea, IR-CSO; Randy Robbins, Local 502; John Skermont, Local 1; Timothy Thomas, Local 374; Ed Vance, District 57; and Frank Ward, Local 614.

Advisors were William T. Creeden, IST; Lawrence McManamon, IVP-GL; Joseph Maloney, IVP-WC; Ed Power, IVP-EC; Warren Fairley, IVP-SE; Sandy MacDonald, IVP- EC (retired); Ryan Creeden, D-IT; and attorneys from the law firm of Blake & Uhlig.

Assistants were Mary Echols and Mike Linderer.

Committee on Resolutions

THE RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE considers resolutions submitted to the International by local lodges and the International Executive Council in accordance with the Constitution, refers them to other committees for review as necessary, and recommends whether the convention should adopt those resolutions that do not change the language of the Constitution, but which affect the policies of the International.

Committee on Resolutions

Committee on Resolutions

Members were Chairman Kyle Evenson, ED-CSO; Secretary Jim Tinney, AD-CSO; Mike Autry, Local 40; Curtis Brooks, Local 112; Dean Calhoun, Local 104; James Fitzpatrick, Local 191; Don Hamric, IR-ISO; Thomas Klein, Local 5; Frank Ludgood, Local 693; Jimmy McManamon, Local 744; Norm Ross, IR-CSO; Tim Ruth, Local 101; Thomas Saccoach, Local 29; Blane Tom, Local 107; Michel Trépanier, Local 271; and Jim Watson, Local 128.

Advisors were J. Tom Baca, IVP-WS; William T. Creeden, IST; Warren Fairley, IVP-SE; John Fultz, AD-CSO; and attorneys from the law firm of Blake & Uhlig.

Committee on Credentials

THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE determines whether delegates to the convention comply with constitutional requirements. The committee reported that 540 delegates and 69 delegates at large received their credentials.

Committee on Credentials

Committee on Credentials

Members were Chairman Larry McManamon, IVP-GL; Secretary Van Stephens, Local 105; Ronnie Dexter, Local 108; Kevin Forsyth, District 11; Charles Lamon, Local 614; Michael Landess, Local 1620; William Mulconnery, Local 363; William Noll, Local 27; Mike Patterson, Local 684; and John Roeber, Local 11. Advisors were Bill Creeden, IST; Susie Skinner, D-HR; and Stephanie Stitcher, M-MS.

Committee on Finance

THE FINANCE COMMITTEE reviews the finances of the International and, in consultation with the Law Committee, recommends changes to the Constitution to keep the Brotherhood financially able to meet its obligations. The committee also reports on the finances of the convention. The Finance Committee recommended that travel per diem should remain at $250 per day for the convention and that the IST’s office should reimburse eligible delegates for five nights of lodging up to a maximum rate of $150.08 per night plus transportation costs as provided for in Article 2.6 of the Constitution.

Committee on Finance

Committee on Finance

The committee reported that 717 delegates attended the 31st Consolidated Convention in 2006, with $911,200 paid in per diem. The total cost of that convention was $4,095,175. At the 2011 convention, a total of $942,500 in per diem costs was paid to 609 delegates. The total cost of the Convention as of the committee’s report was $2,230,806, although staff expenses were yet to be tallied.

Members were Chairman William T. Creeden, IST; Secretary Allen Meyers, Local 627; Denise Bolton, Local D488; Marvin Cartwright, Local 107; Ryan Creeden, D-IT; Rocco DeRollo, IR-ISO; Mike Johnson, EA-IST; Mark Keffeler, Local 242;Carolyn Nitcher, CA-IPO; Dan Quinn, Local 154; Curt Smith, P/A-IT; Mark Thompson, Local 132; and Donald Whisenant, Local 592. Susie Skinner, D-HR, was an advisor.

Committee on Officers Report

THE OFFICERS REPORT is actually a set of distinct reports about the overall operations of the Brotherhood: its Construction and Industrial Sectors; its various divisions, departments, programs, conferences, and Taft-Hartley funds; the International Executive Council; and the offices of the International President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Vice Presidents. These reports were published in a single, 272-page volume, which was distributed to delegates at the convention. The Committee on Officers Report reviews the volume to ensure that it provides the information necessary for delegates to make knowledgeable decisions during the convention.

Committee on Officers Report

Committee on Officers Report

Members were Chairman Ed Power, IVP Eastern Canada; Secretary Bridget Martin, D/PA-DGA; Scot Albertson, Local 83; James Barnes, Local 433; Danny Blackwell, Local 582; Ken Blankenship, Local 106; Tracy Buck, A-DAAIP; James Dingess, Local 667; Sye Kelly, Local 154; Ed Latacz, II, Local 28; Robert Lunsford, Local 454; and Mark Thomas, Local 92.

Donald Caswell served as an advisor.

Committee on Official Publication

THE CONSTITUTION REQUIRES that an official publication be regularly distributed to all members, and it establishes the Official Publication Committee to make recommendations to the convention. The committee recommended, among other things, that the Brotherhood’s website be considered an integral part of the official publication, noting that the website serves as an extension of the Boilermaker Reporter newspaper.

Committee on Official Publication

Committee on Official Publication

Members were Chairman Donald Caswell, D-CED; Michael Card, Local 169; Cecile Conroy, AD/LA-DGA; Lara Goulding, W-CED; John Hughes, Local 154; Tony Jacobs, Acting D-LA; Rob Lauzon, AD-ISO-Canada; Fred Keith, Local 85; Casey Tibbs, Local 4; and Jim Tinney, AD-CSO-Canada.

Advisors were Timothy Canon, WM-CED; Mike Linderer, W/E-CED; Curtis Smith, P/A-IT; and Nicole Stinger, AA-BHPD.

Committee on Rules

THE RULES COMMITTEE sets rules for the convention to allow delegates the opportunity to speak and present any arguments and to listen and vote on the issues brought before the assembly. The rules have changed little over the last 11 conventions. The committee read each of the 20 rules, which covered everything from the hours of the convention to the submission of resolutions and the procedure for roll-call voting.

Committee on Rules

Committee on Rules

Members were Chairman Ray Ventrone, Local 154; Secretary James Tinney, AD-CSO-Canada; Rodney Allison, Local 69; Dale Bilyeu, Local 549; Corey Channon, AIP-CSO; Jack Frost, Local 455; Tony Jacobs, Acting D-LA; Robert Schwartz, Local 1; Stephen Speed, SAIP-CSO; and Mark Thompson, Local 132.

Advisors were William T. Creeden, IST; Warren Fairley, IVP-SE; Dave Haggerty, IVP-NE; Larry McManamon, IVP-GL; Ed Power, IVP-EC; and Joe Moreland, IBB General Counsel.

Committees appointed at IP’s discretion

THE CONSTITUTION GIVES the International President the authority to appoint committees to advise the convention on important matters of the day and to enable the convention delegates to conduct their business in an orderly fashion. For this convention, International President Newton B. Jones appointed delegates to 10 special committees and caucuses.

Special Committee on Ritual and Brotherhood History

THE RITUAL AND Brotherhood History Committee recommended that the BHPD assist IP Jones in establishing a new board of directors for the International’s archives; create a protocol to gather historical information and items from local lodges; establish an interactive, web-based virtual museum; leverage the Boilermaker film series for training and recruiting new members; and ensure the highest quality historical presentations.

Special Committee on Ritual and Brotherhood History

Special Committee on Ritual and Brotherhood History

Members were Chairman Charles A. Jones, D-BHPD: Secretary Sandy MacDonald, IVP-EC (retired); Warren Fairley, IVP-SE; Joe Stinger, IVP-WS (retired); Bob Hutsell, Local 169; and John Skermont, Local 1.

Advisors were Larry McManamon, IVP-GL; James Holley, C-BA; Don Caswell, D-CED; Cullen Jones, VT-BHPD; and Richard MacIntosh, IR-CSO.

Sergeant-at-Arms Committee

THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Committee checks convention badges to keep unauthorized people from the meeting and maintains order in the convention hall.

Sergeant-at-Arms Committee

Members were Chairman Vince Harper, Local 453; Co-Chair Jason Heyworth, Local D364; Co-Chair (Hon.) Andre Fleury, IR (retired); Secretary Mike Allen, Local 263; Mark Angle, Local 154; James Barnes, Local 433; Kyle Creeden, AD-BHPD; Thomas Dye, Local 83; Gary Evenson, D-CRS; Gene Forkin, ED-QCCS; Adrian Hemby, Local 687; Edward Holden, Local 744; Sye Kelly, Local 154; John Kosinski, Local 290; Darin McCarthy, Local 500; Lawrence McManamon, Jr., Local 744; Robert Schwartz, Local 1; Don Thurmond, Local 27; and Mike West, IR-CSO.

Committee on Distribution

THE DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE ensured that all appropriate printed materials (books, reports, flyers, and announcements) were placed at the convention tables for use by the delegates. This information typically was distributed very early in the morning, during lunch breaks, or after the close of the convention each day.

Committee on Distribution

Committee on Distribution

Members were Chairman Phil Evans, IR-ISO; Secretary Steve Beal, AD-S&MRDS; Carey Allen, D-CLGAW; Mark Garrett, D-H&SS; Mike Landess, Local 1620; Gerard Maciejewski, Local 107; Robert Godinez, Local 1998; Angi Gabb, TS-IT; Kelli Morgan, TS-IT; John Riel, Local 1; George Ulrickson, Local 599; and Mike Yelland, ISA-IT.

Advisors were Dean Lewis, MTCE-HQ, and Curt Smith, P/A-IT.

Committee on Construction Sector Operations

THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR Operations Committee reviewed a joint initiative of the National Association of Construction Boilermaker Employers and the International Brotherhood to utilize U.S. Boilermakers in the Canadian recruitment initiative program. The committee also reviewed the Boilermakers’ National Apprenticeship Program’s online training system. In addition, the committee discussed various resolutions impacting the construction industry and construction lodge members, and decided to support the Law Committee recommendations on those matters.

Committee on Construction Sector Operations

Committee on Construction Sector Operations

Members were Chairman Kyle Evenson, ED-CSO; Secretary Mark Vandiver, D-NTD; Scot Albertson, Local 83; Michael Allen, Local 263; Rodney Allison, Local 69; Shon Almond, IR-CSO; Michael Autry, Local 40; James Barnes, Local 433; Dale Bilyeu, Local 549; Danny Blackwell, Local 582; James Bragg Jr., Local 110; Curtis Brooks, Local 112; Kevin Chaisson, Local 73; Cory Channon, AIP-CSO; John Clark, Jr., Local 13; Jim Cooksey, IR-CSO; Bridget Connors, MOST staff; Daniel DeCarlo, Local 7; Ronnie Dexter, Local 108; James Dingess, Local 667; Jason E. Dupuis, App. Co-Coord.-NE; Roger Erickson MOST staff; Gary Evenson, D-CRS; Carl Ferguson, Local 199; Fred Fields, IR-CSO; Andre Fleury, IR (retired); Edward Flynn, Local 203; Gene Forkin, ED-QCCUS; Warren Fraleigh, Local 146; Jack Frost, Local 455; John Fultz, AD-CSO; Dusty Garmon, IR-CSO; Mark Garrett, D-H&SS; Mark Gustafson, App. Co-Coord.-GL; Phil Halley, Local 359; Lionel Hanna, Local 37; David Hegeman, Miss. River Dist. 5; David Haggerty, IVP-NE; Vinson Harper, Local 453; Frank Hartsoe, Local 45; Adrian Hemby, Local 687; Michael Herd, Local 193; Clay Hereford, Lone Star District; Jeffery Hughes, Local 26; Bob Hutsell, Local 169; Grant Jacobs, Natl. Training Coord.-Canada; Tony Jacobs, Acting D-LA; Mark Keffeler, Local 242; Fred Keith, Local 85; Collin Kiesling, App. Coord.-WS; Dennis King, IR-CSO; Tom Klein, Local 5; Ed Latacz, II, Local 28; Robert Lunsford, Local 454; Gary Lusk, Local 60; Darin McCarthy, Local 500; Richard MacIntosh, IR-CSO; Jimmy McManamon, Local 744; Lawrence McManamon Jr., App. Co-Coord.-GL; Allen Meyers, Local 627; John Mosco Jr., Local 906; William Mulconnery, Local 363; Stephen Murphy, App. Co-Coord.-NE; William Noll, Local 27; Kent Oliver, IR-CSO; Anthony Palmisano, IR-CSO; Bill Palmisano MOST Adm.; Michael Peterson App. Dir.-SE; Mark Pinard, Local 237; Randy Robbins, Local 502; John Roeber, Local 11; Norm Ross, IR-CSO; Dallas Rogers, Local 555; Tim Ruth, Local 101; Thomas Saccoach, Local 29; John Skermont, Local 1; Pat Smith, BNAP Coord.; Martin Spencer, SAIP; Pat Stefancin, IR-CSO; Stephen Speed, SAIP; Van Stephens, Local 105; Herman Sullivan, Jr., Local 74; Mark Thomas, Local 92; Timothy Thomas, Local 374; Mark Thompson, Local 132; Casey Tibbs, Local 4; Jim Tinney, AD-CSO-Canada; Blane Tom, Local 107; Michel Trépanier, Local 271; Ronny Vanscoy, IR-CSO; Ray Ventrone, Local 154; Guy Villemure, IR-CSO Luke Voigt, Local 647; Jim Watson, Local 128; Donald Whisenant, Local 592; and Ed Vance, District 57.

Advisors included Larry McManamon, IVP-GL; Joe Maloney, IVP-WC; Ed Power, IVP-EC; J. Tom Baca, IVP-WS; Warren Fairley, IVP-SE; Dave Haggerty, IVP-NE; and Jason McInnis, ND-H&S-Canada.

Committee on Industrial Sector Operations

Committee on Industrial Sector Operations

Committee on Industrial Sector Operations

IN KEEPING WITH the reorganization of the Brotherhood into construction and industrial sectors, the Industrial Sector Operations Committee considered issues and interests of the shipbuilding, cement, railroad, stove, metal, mining, boiler shop, forging, and manufacturing lodges. The committee met in five caucus groups by industry and also met as a single body. The delegates focused on a number of important resolutions, including IEC Resolution #26, which formalized the structure of the Industrial Sector and provided for a $1 monthly assessment to fund conferences and related activities. Delegates on the committee overwhelmingly endorsed the resolution, which was later approved during the convention. In its report to the convention, each committee caucus described the state of affairs within its specific industry.

Leading the Industrial Sector Operations Committee were Co-Chair James Pressley, IVP–ISO; Co-Chair Rocco DeRollo, IR-ISO; and Secretary Gary Powers, AD-ISO. Members by caucus were:

Caucus on Cement and Allied Industries

Caucus on Cement and Allied Industries

Caucus on Cement and Allied Industries – Co-Chair Carey Allen, D-CLGAW; Co-Chair Rob Lauzon, AD-ISO; Secretary Richard Piloski, DNCL; Anthony Andrade, Lodge D366; Dave Argiro, Lodge D173; Stuart Bilodeau, Lodge D359; Denise Bolton, Lodge D488; Kevin Forsyth, District 11; David Herron, Lodge D27; Jason Heyworth, Lodge D364; Darin Hull, Lodge D39; Paul Kuhs, Lodge D282; Mark Kelly, IR-ISO Robert McVey, Lodge D455; Jeffrey Rogers, Lodge D308; Kevin Sheptycki, District 11; Richard Smith, Lodge D385; Tyrone Smith, Lodge D545; Amanda Stinger, IR-ISO; and Randy Tocci, Lodge D239. Jason McInnis, D-HSS-Canada, served as an advisor.

Caucus on Forge, Boiler, and Allied Industries

Caucus on Forge, Boiler, and Allied Industries

Caucus on Forge, Boiler, and Allied Industries – Chairman Rocco DeRollo, IR-ISO; Secretary William Coleman, Lodge 1620; Dave Adamson, Lodge 900; Terry Bailey, Lodge 656; Steve Bell, Lodge 196; Tyler Brown, R-E&TC; Brady Dix, Lodge 651; Darryl Ervin, Lodge 1073; David Gullette, Lodge 158; Len Gunderson, IR-ISO; Don Hamric, IR-ISO; Frank Hawk, Lodge 159; Jackie Judy, A/D-ISO; Freddie Lewis, Lodge 905; Preston Miracle, Lodge 1240; Brent Mitzner, Lodge 84; Ken Mongeau, Lodge 1851; J.T. Rhea, IR-ISO; Daniel Seng, Lodge 1509; Robert Shetler Jr., Lodge 151; Bill Staggs, IR-ISO; Richard Stone, Lodge 725; and Rob Wilbourne, Lodge 903. Robert Shaffer served as an advisor.

Caucus on Shipbuilding and Marine Repair

Caucus on Shipbuilding and Marine Repair

Caucus on Shipbuilding and Marine Repair – Chairman Steve Beal, AD-SMDS; Secretary John Chapman, AD-ISO; Phil Evans IR-ISO; Robert Godinez, Lodge 1998; Gary Powers, A/D-ISO; Dwain Burnham, Lodge 482; Keola Martin, Lodge 90; Dean Calhoun, Lodge 104; John Kosinski, Lodge 290; Mark Heimbecher, Lodge 449; Robert Fish, Lodge 580; Charles Householder, Lodge 608; Mike Patterson, Lodge 684; Tony Fields, Lodge 684; Betty Moulds, Lodge 693; Joe Johnson, Lodge 1814; David Gaillard, Lodge 13; Frank Ward, Lodge 614; Frank Ludgood, Lodge 693; and James Fitzpatrick, Lodge 191. Warren Fairley, IVP-SE and D-S&MDS, served as an advisor.

Caucus on Railroad Industries

Caucus on Railroad Industries

Caucus on Railroad Industries – Chairman Danny Hamilton, D-RDS; Secretary Frank May, IR-ISO; Christopher Bright, Lodge 51; Gerald Conrad, Lodge 1393. Doyle Johnson, Lodge 14; John Mansker, Lodge 66; Robert Perez, Lodge 34; Keith Petty, Lodge 425; Jack Thomas, Lodge 249; George Thompson, Lodge 538; and Gary Wignall, Lodge 3. James Pressley, IVP-ISO, served as an advisor to the caucus.

Caucus on Stoveworkers & Allied Industries

Caucus on Stoveworkers & Allied Industries

Caucus on Stoveworkers & Allied Industries – Co-Chair Dave Lawrence, D-SFEAW; Co-Chair Mike Murphy, IR-ISO; Secretary Roy Moyer, Lodge S1978; Douglas Beam, Lodge M300; Fred Birkhold, Lodge M301; Wilbur Bobo, Lodge M68; Don Brazzell, Lodge S234; Josh Davis, Lodge M24; Rick Edwards, Lodge M67; Patrick Karns, Lodge S200; Tom Krajick, Lodge S2; Alexander Polling, Lodge S50; and Kerry Trobaugh, Lodge S185. Advisor to the caucus was Mark Garrett, D-H&S.