The Quality Control Council of the United States (QCCUS) was built upon the success of the Quality Control Council of Canada (QCCC), which has served the nondestructive testing industry in Canada for more than three decades. Through collective bargaining, the QCCC and the Nondestructive Management Association have mutually established and stabilized wages, hours and working conditions in the nondestructive testing industry throughout Canada.
The purpose of this Council is to organize technicians and trainees in the field of quality control throughout the United States.
The objectives of the QCCUS are to upgrade the nondestructive testing field through the establishment of training, qualifying procedures and through collective bargaining with the Nondestructive Testing Contractors’ Association (NDTCA). Through collective bargaining, the NDTCA and the Council will mutually establish and stabilize wages, hours and working conditions in the nondestructive testing industry so the work may proceed in an expedient and economic fashion.
The QCCUS is a coalition between the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (Boilermakers) and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry in the United States and Canada (UA).
The UA and the Boilermakers are two of the oldest labor organizations in North America and have been representing working people in various industries since the late nineteenth century. Few labor organizations have records that exceed ours in terms of continuous service to our members.
For more information on the QCCUS, visit their web site.