Build a Brighter Future

Build a brighter future - with the Boilermakers

Whether you’ve already got the skills—or want to gain the skills—for a career that pays the bills, gives you the freedom to work when and where you want and earns you excellent wages and benefits, the Boilermakers union might be for you.

What's a Boilermaker?

Boilermakers are the craftsmen and women who help build and power North America. We’re welders and riggers who keep the lights on in your home and produce the fuels that move the nation into the future.

Boilermakers are essential workers who warm your home in the winter and make products you use in your daily life. From paints to plastics, medicines to green energy, we’ve had a hand in it all.

Why Union?

When you work with a union contract, you get the best. Think about it. You sign contracts for better cellphone service, guaranteed mortgage and lease agreements, steady insurance rates and more. Why not have a contract with your employer that ensures you have the best safety, fair wages and fair treatment? Being union means you have a voice, a vote and represention on the job.

What's in it for me?

Skilled craftsmen and women are in high demand across North America. As a union Boilermaker, you can earn top wages and enjoy excellent benefits, including:

  • Health insurance for you and your family
  • Pension
  • Annuity
  • Ongoing training
  • Earn-while-you-learn apprenticeship
  • Modern training centers across North America
  • UnionPlus discounts & offers
  • UnionSportsmen’s Alliance membership

How do I get started?

Wherever you are in your career and whatever your skill level is, we’ve got a path for you. So what’s your story?

I’m already an experienced welder and/or rigger.

If you’ve already got welding and rigging experience, have the talent and drive to cut it as a Boilermaker and are willing to travel, we can put you to work.

Apply Now

I don’t have much experience yet—just starting out.

If you want to start your career with ZERO student loan debt, apply for our earn-while-you-learn Boilermakers National Apprenticeship Program. You’ll pair on-the-job training with hands-on learning—all while earning great wages and benefits.

How to Apply


I have some experience but could use a refresher.

The Boilermakers union offers welding bootcamp and other training programs, including modules for advanced rigging, OSHA 10/30, scaffolding and much more.

Sign up for a Bootcamp

I’m former military and looking for a career path.

The Boilermakers union is proud to partner with the Canadian and U.S. Helmets to Hardhats program. If you are a military veteran and want to get started with a career in the construction trades, Helmets to Hardhats might be the right choice for you.

Find out more

I want to check out the Helpers/Safety Attendant program.

If you’re not quite ready to apprentice as a Boilermaker, you might like to “try it out” first as a paid helper or safety attendant.

Check it out

Real Boilermakers. Real Stories.

You don’t have to take our word for it. See what these Boilermakers have to say about their union jobs.

Testimonial 1

Robert Navarro
Local 1998

"The union has provided me and my family with a living wage. We were able to purchase a home here in San Diego, where it's really expensive. Without the union, we wouldn't be able to do it."

Testimonial 3

Bernie Ackerman
Local 154

“I became a Boilermaker, because I thought the work was pretty neat. I thought it was unique, and I could have a lot of fun doing it—and I have had a lot of fun doing it over the years. I’ve met a ton of great people, been to a lot of places, and it’s been a great experience throughout my life.”

Testimonial 2

Angel Greer
Local 549

"I didn’t know much about Boilermaking, but I wanted to weld. I wanted to work in refineries and be in an industry with a retirement. I wanted to grow and expand my horizon, so I became a Boilermaker."

Be part of the best. Become a Boilermaker.

When we say we’re the best in our craft—that we can build anything—it’s not an empty boast. From outfitting a ship in less than two weeks to building the first laser interferometer gravitation wave observatory, Boilermakers are cutting-edge. Check out some of our handiwork through history—and be part of our future.

Yes! I want to become a Boilermaker.

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