L-69 embraces Code & Creed

[Addressed to International President Newton B. Jones]

ON APRIL 24TH, while in town for a Local 69 [Little Rock, Ark.] retiree picnic, I attended a union meeting at the lodge. The meeting was well attended, and I noticed banners depicting the Boilermaker Creed hanging from the walls of the union hall. I was pleasantly surprised to see members stand up and recite the Boilermaker Creed when the meeting began. Business Manager Rodney Allison then explained how the characteristics identified in the Boilermaker Code describe what it means to be a Boilermaker.

Everyone I spoke with demonstrated a positive attitude and a desire to represent Local 69 in the best possible way through their training, discipline and pride. These members are living the principles of the Boilermaker Code.

Although union meetings can turn into gripe sessions, the one I attended at Local 69 was much different. Business Manager Rodney Allison should be commended for his leadership and the lodge members for embracing the Code and Creed so heartily.

Your vision of our Code & Creed changing attitudes and actions is certainly evident at Local 69.

Dale “Skipper” Branscum
Director, Construction Sector Services
Member, Local 69