Local Lodge Officers

The officers for each local lodge are defined by the lodge by-laws in accordance with the constitution. The primary officer for most of our lodges is the president. The chief financial officer is the secretary-treasurer.

Larger lodges elect a business manager/secretary-treasurer (BM-ST) as their primary officer. The BM-ST acts as both the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer.

In all lodges, the primary officer has two major responsibilities:

  1. To ensure that all officers perform their respective duties
  2. To ensure that the Constitution and local lodge by-laws, all laws and regulations, and all instructions received by him from the International President are complied with.

These are significant responsibilities, making the primary officer responsible for the actions of all other officers as well as his or her own.

Other elected local lodge officers include vice-president, secretary-treasurer, trustees, and any others required by the local lodge by-laws.